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Corso “Sistema Nervoso e Apparato Locomotore: come è fatto, disturbi, traumi cranici e vertebrali, lesioni muscolo scheletriche e traumi osteoarticolari”

Durata: 3 oreRequisiti:  nessuno Descrizione: La Croce Rossa Italiana si occupa di formazione e di educazione alla Salute promuovendo su tutto il territorio nazionale percorsi informativi e/o formativi, in base alle linee guida internazionali.Il corso monotematico sul “Sistema Nervoso e Apparato Locomotore” è volto ad approfondire la loro anatomia ed il loro funzionamento, al fine di poter intervenire con manovre di primo soccorso in caso di bisogno. Grande attenzione sarà anche dedicato alla prevenzione e al supporto delle funzioni vitali. Basic Life Support – BLSMalori improvvisi, perdite di coscienza – malori da cause ambientali – lesioni da caldo e da freddoLe ferite e altre lesioni della pelle, emorragie e shockL’apparato digerente, nutrienti e corretto stile di vita, disturbi ed urgenze Frequentando singolarmente i cinque corsi monotematici nell’arco dello stesso anno solare si avrà la possibilità di ricevere lo “European First Aid Certificated” (EFAC- Brevetto Europeo di Primo Soccorso). Obiettivo:Informare, educare ed aiutare ciascun individuo o gruppi di persone ad acquisire e saper eseguire azioni e modificare i propri comportamenti per mantenere e/o migliorare la salute. Programma:Definizione, anatomia e fisiologia del  Sistema Nervosocentrale e periferico, della vita di relazione e vegetativa.Epilessia: grande male epilettico e piccolo male.IsterismoTraumi cranici: lesioni esterne (contusioni, ferite, tumefazioni, fratture del cranio e delle ossa facciali)lesioni interne (commozione, contusione, ematoma)Traumi cranici:  segni/sintomi e primo soccorso.Traumi della colonna vertebrale e del midollo spinale:segni/sintomi e primo soccorso Definizione, anatomia e fisiologia del’Apparato Locomotore: lo scheletro, i muscoli e le articolazioniLesioni dei muscoli: contusioni, stiramento, strappoTraumi delle articolazioni: distorsione, lussazioneTraumi delle ossa, le fratture: completa/incompleta, composta/scomposta, chiusa/espostasegni/sintomi e primo soccorso Attestato: Si, di “Partecipazione”

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Business First Wednesday - Year End Tax Planning and Recordkeeping

Jim Swiech, CPA, will discuss Year End Tax Planning ideas for businesses. He will also present information about the tax aspects of the CARES Act, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loans, and Economic Injury Disaster Loans. Jim is a Tax Partner with Allied Financial Partners, a Full Service Financial Firm with several office locations in Central and Western New York. Business First Wednesdays are for aspiring or current business owners and is brought to you by the Business Insight Center of the Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County and the SUNY Brockport Small Business Development Center. To register, please call the Business Insight Center at 585-428-8106 or visit: This program is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the US Small Business Administration. Services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Baby Boomer Lifestyle Expo

The Baby Boomer Lifestyle Expo is a premier Health, Activity, & Planning Expo for Baby Boomers and Seniors living in Idaho. This one-day expo is open to all ages and we proudly offer all attendees FREE admission and parking! With over 50% of Idaho's population 45 years or older, we understand that today's 50+ community has an energetic lifestyle and are pursuing ways to stay active and engaged.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Discover, Visa & MC Pick-up tickets 1-2 hours prior to show. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place the order, a photo i.d., and the order number. (315)475-7980 Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Please contact the Landmark Theatre Box Office.

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San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

Mastercard, Visa, American Express, cash Will Call will open at the Main Box Office, located at the intersection of Park Blvd and Imperial Ave three hours prior to show time. No outside will call will be accepted. Customers should bring their confirmation number with a photo I.D. and the credit card used to make the purchase to claim tickets. Tickets for the concert are not available for purchase in person at the Petco Park Box Office prior to the show date. On the day of the show, tickets will be available at the Petco Park Box Office, should any remain. Tickets for Metallica can be purchased online or over the phone by calling 866-448-7849 anytime or you can speak to a customer service agent by calling Ticketmaster at 800-745-3000 Monday – Saturday: 9am – 6pm and Sunday: 12pm – 6pm Pacific Time. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Entire venue is accessible. There are wheelchair and companion seats, armless aisle and transfer seats, please specify your request in your email if you purchase via online. PARKING: Public pay lots with accessible parking CANINE COMPANIONS ACCOMODATED: Yes

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GPF Executive Program in Port Wildlife Protection, Mar 1-5, 2020, Dubai, UAE. Exclusive. Intensive. Small Group.

Global Ports Forum presents the GPF Executive Program in Port Wildlife Protection, Mar 1-5, 2020, Dubai, UAE. Exclusive. Intensive. Small Group.   Global Ports Forum presents the GPF Executive Program in Port Wildlife Protection, Mar 1-5, 2020, Dubai, UAE. Global Ports Forum presents the GPF Executive Program in Port Wildlife Protection, Mar 1-5, 2020, Dubai, UAE. Dear industry colleagues Course Outline Introduction A certification course for managers in port authorities and terminal operators on operationalizing detection and prevention of illicit wildlife trafficking tapping on models adopted by C-TPAT and AEO programs. Participants will be introduced to the UNDP-GEF Project and made conversant with standards, tools, methodology and approaches for port managers to build management capability and implement best practice measures to detect and prevent illicit wildlife trafficking through their port. Course Outline Day One Awareness and Overview of Global Wildlife Trafficking.   Commodities Node Countries Origin/Destination Supply Chains Wildlife Protection Framework Wildlife Protection Standards UNDP-GEF Project   Global Trade Facilitation Systems   Supply Chains Documentation and Workflows Information Management Day Two Port’s Role in Trade Facilitation   Trade Facilitation Node Information Collection, Sharing & Connectivity   Illicit Wildlife Trafficking Risk Profiling & Detection Technology   Software Database and Database Integration Tools & Devices Big Data, AI, IOT, Machine Learning, Blockchain Day Three Integrating Wildlife Database with Port Operating Systems   Port Community System Information and Data Creation Information and Data Management and Connectivity   Port Gate Management System   Gate Workflow, Information/Data Flow and Documentation Gate Layout & Design Day Four Port Capacity Organization & Management Organizing Port Capability Personnel & Categories Competences Approach & Methodology   Collaboration and Cooperation with Stakeholders Port & Customs Authorities Terminal Operators Port Associations Trade Associations Government Organizations UN Agencies Domestic and Global Day Five C-TPAT and AEO Programs for Customs and Security Overview of C-TPAT and AEO Programs Risk Assessment Process Supply Chain Security Management System (ISO 28000:2007) Environmental Protection Standards (ISO 14001:2015) Applicability to Detecting Illicit Wildlife Trafficking   Challenges and Lessons Mutual Recognition and Assistance Gaps in Port Management Flexibility and Adaptability Keeping abreast of Advances and New Standards Benefits to Ports Best Practices Continuous Learning PROJECT REPORTAt the end of the 5 days training program, each participant will be given a topic on Port Wildlife Protection in ports / terminal industry. Participants would be required to prepare a project report and submit the same within a period of 3 months for critical evaluation and review by the course director, who will award suitable grade to each participant as per contents and quality of the project report. ELIGIBILITY FOR CERTIFIED GLOBAL PORTS MANAGER (CGPM) (Port Wildlife Protection) for participants of the GPF Port Wildlife Protection Executive ProgramCGPM program is governed by a Qualification Review Board (QRB) which comprises leading international experts from Ports and Terminals industry and academicians. Upon satisfying the criteria and requirements of the QRB and subject to the level of competency and responsibility, successful participants will be permitted to undertake the 5 days GPF Port Wildlife Protection Executive Program.On completion of the 5 days GPF Port Wildlife Protection Executive Program, participants will prepare a submit a project report. On approval of the project report by the QRB, the participants will be awarded the CGPM title. CGPM holders are entitled to use the title of CGPM in recognition of their competence. Details on CGPM as follows:- PROGRAM DIRECTORS (subject to final confirmation)Francis Aurol Francis Aurol is a port professional with over 35 years of strong practical knowledge and experience as senior lead manager and consultant in ports/terminals, shipping, inland transportation (truck and rail), supply chain logistics and marine services in many countries handling containers, general cargoes, dry bulks, neo bulks and liquid cargoes, hazardous and non-hazardous.He started his career in 1970 and spent ten years in the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA) culminating as Traffic Manager a senior management position in charge of one of the gateways in the port. Thereafter, successfully lead managed and acted as consultant for ports, terminals, shipping and supply chain logistics in Singapore, South East Asia, Hongkong, India, Middle East and Africa.Francis has been project manager and super user for many IT based Management and Operations Projects in ports and terminals internationally which involved mapping and defining business processes, information systems with double stack approach collaborating with major IT companies such as Tata Consulting Services. Prepared SOP Manuals for ports/terminals. Carried out business development for new terminal acquisitions and technical and feasibility studies for many port/terminal prospects internationally for enterprises such as PSA Corporation and Pacific Basin Shipping, Hongkong. Headed for 8 years a network of shipping agency offices with country General Managers in South East Asia and Hongkong and jointly launched a new feeder service in SEA. Special experience and knowledge accumulated over these years to bridge business processes between ports and terminals as intermodal gateway, transshipment port, hub port with external stakeholder partners like Shipping Lines, Agents & Brokers, 3PLs, 4PLs, ICDs, Rail Operators, Land bridge Operators and Inland Haulers over large hinterlands.He graduated from the University of Singapore in 1969 and a Certified Management Consultant by the Institute of Management Consultant (Spore/UK) in 2003 and a Certified Practicing Management Consultant by the PMC Board, Singapore in 2009. Mukesh ParikhMr. Mukesh Parikh who is associated with Global Maritime Industry for over 35 years. Mr. Mukesh Parikh has a distinction of having hands on Maritime Industry experience with continuous involvement in Training and Development throughout his distinguished career.Mr. Mukesh Parikh has a post graduate degree in Management with specialization in Marketing and Finance. He attended one year training program Professional Shipping at Norwegian Shipping Academy, Oslo.During his career of 18 years in the Commercial Shipping, he was associated with UNCTAD/UNDP as a Trainer and Course developer. He attended two weeks instructors Workshop (Training for Trainers) organized by UNCTAD / UNDP in collaboration with The Ministry of Transport and Ports in Malaysia at Penang Port Commission. He conducted a number of training Programs in the Middle East, South East Asia and Indian subcontinent including developing a training program on General Shipping Management for Arab Maritime Transport Academy, Sharjah, UAE;  covering shipping subjects.A sound foundation of Shipping Industry and clear understanding of market and customer requirement and expectations from service providers enabled Mr. Mukesh Parikh to build the next phase of his career in Ports and Terminal Industry.He joined The Adani Group in Senior Management position at the inception stage of Mundra Port in India and made a major contribution to set up Business Development and Marketing Team as well as Establish Standard OperatingProcedures for the entire spectrum of Operations in the Port. He successfully built marketing and operations teams and trained them. Since July 2014, Mr. Mukesh Parikh has taken up advisory and consultancy role for The Maritime Industry. His assignments cover Business volume estimation and hinterland mapping with competition analysis, Revenue forecasts for the life of the project and financial modelling, investment optimization in line with market potential; Commercial and legal aspects of logistics, cargo handling, warehousing contracts; business excellence and standardization of operating procedures; Organization development, structuring and Manpower planning and training. He has also advised a number of clients about the Concession agreements and entering in to sub-concessions. Thomas NgThomas Ng has over 25 years of training & consulting experience in the ports and shipping industry – in developing innovative solutions for players within the ports & shipping industry,   — in areas of planning & redesign, customer services and business operations; and delivering results.He is the present Chairman of The Global Ports Forum (GPF). Since 2008, Thomas founded and launched the GPF, a platform where all ports stakeholders in the ecosystem- port customers, port authorities, port operators, port people, port suppliers & service providers are gathered together to discuss about issues furthering the interests of ports globally.Thomas is proven and well-respected in the ports & shipping circles — recognized for his in-depth industry knowledge and far-reaching personal industry network and linkages.Thomas is invited regularly as speaker & facilitator at Ports conferences, roundtable and executive workshops. He spoke recently at Transport Intelligence 2013 Infrastructure panel, together with senior executives from World Bank & UPS, Container Depot Association Singapore Conference 2014 on ports and infrastructure, Tank Storage Conference in 2015 and Roundtable on Smart ports & ships and Internet of Things in Jun 2016.On a professional level, Thomas is a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport Singapore since 2001. He is also a Board Member of the Local Branch of Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport for over 14 years. Costs: On or Before 1 Jan 2020 : The ‘Early Bird’ Rate is USD7395.00 – Save USD600!Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD 7395.00! From 2 Jan 2020 : The Regular Rate is USD 7995.00Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD7995.00!Note: All fees stated include luncheons, refreshments and complete set of documentation. It does not include the cost of accommodation, visa fees and travel. Register Now!To register, please submit the following details to Best Describes Your Industry Sector?:Billing information: For cheque payments: To be made payable to ‘Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.’ Please do not send post-dated cheque. For telegraphic transfers:Account Name:             Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.,Account No. :                695 477 141 001.Beneficiary Bank:          Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore. (Swift: OCBCSGSG),Address : 65 Chulia Street #01-00, OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513. Please supply confirmation via email of the TT from your bank. Transmitting bank charges must be paid by sender. Please quote both delegate and company name as reference. Kindly note that as we are providing a special rate for ‘early bird’ sign up, we will need to receive your company payment by 1 Jan 2020 to enjoy the discount. Look forward to welcoming you at the GPF Port Wildlife Protection Executive Program!   Kind regards Thomas NgChairmanThe Global Ports Forum GLOBAL PORTS FORUM PTE. LTD. 10 Anson Road#27-15International PlazaSingapore 079903 Website: Mobile: +65 9684 3289DID:    +65 65197662Fax:    +65 6725 8438Email:  thomasng@globalportsforum.comTerms & Conditions:No delegate registration will be accepted without completing registration details and full payment.Upon receipt of your registration details and full payment, further programme information will be emailed to you including your proforma invoice and, if required, a letter of invitation for entry visa application.Delegates will not be admitted unless payment has been received in Full.Flights, Airport Transfers and Accommodation are not included in your delegate registration fee.Refund Policy – a reimbursement of the registration fee, minus administrative charges will only be made if the participant has notified Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd. in writing that he/she is unable to attend the event no less than 45 days prior to the commencement of the event. No cancellation is allowed after that, but a replacement with another participant is allowed.This programme is subject to change without notice, E&O.E.

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