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FREE Certified Digital Marketing Associate (SCDM-A) on-line certification class

Certified Digital Marketing Associate (SCDM-A) Overview The SMstudy® Certified Digital Marketing Associate course is tailored to anyone interested in knowing various digital marketing channels; learning key concepts in Digital Marketing as defined in the SMstudy® Guide; and gaining a basic understanding of the Digital Marketing framework that helps to identify the most effective marketing channels for an organization’s products or services in latest e-commerce world. This course is included in the Free Subscription. Upon completion of the coursework, the SMstudy® Certified Digital Marketing Associate exam validates your basic understanding of Digital Marketing. On passing the exam, you will be accredited as a SMstudy® Certified Digital Marketing Associate. You will also be awarded 10 PMI approved PDUs. Exam Format Multiple choice 40 questions One mark awarded for each correct answer No negative marks for incorrect answers 30 questions must be answered correctly to pass 60-minute duration Online unproctored exam Audience Profile Anyone interested in knowing more about Digital Marketing can enroll for this course and exam for free. Prerequisites There is no formal prerequisite for this course. Upon successful completion of the above Certified Digital Marketing Associate e-learning class and passing on-line examination with e-certificate, participants can claim 1 professional development point toward maintenance of your CPIM/ CFPIM/ CSCP/ CLTD designation for passing the examination with this optional physical certificate of completion (chargeable for shipping and handling cost).

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„VOR- Sorge Dich nicht. Lebe!“ Das Live-Seminar

Hast Du Dich schon einmal gefragt, warum einige Menschen finanziell auf der Überholspur sind, während andere auf dem Seitenstreifen zu stehen scheinen? Die Antwort liegt oft in ihren Glaubenssätzen und der Einstellung zu Geld. Außerdem in der Bereitschaft, sich die nötigen Strategien anzueignen, um wirklich finanziell frei zu werden.  Das bringt Dir dieses Seminar Du findest einen Weg, der Dir Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit garantiert. Du erkennst, wie sich Deine Glaubenssätze auf Deinen finanziellen Erfolg auswirken. Du siehst den wahren Wert des Geldes und lernst, wie Du Geld aufbaust und Gutes bewirkst. Du gewinnst mehr Sicherheit und Selbstbewusstsein, wenn es um Dein Geld geht: Das wirkt sich sofort positiv im Beruf und im Privatleben aus, weil Du Sorgen ums Geld vergessen kannst. Du weißt, wie Du systematisch Dein Einkommen erhöhst. Du kannst Dir und Deiner Familie Träume erfüllen. Du lernst, wie Du Dir die finanziellen Voraussetzungen für Deine Träume schaffst. Du hast es in der Hand: Verankere Dein finanzielles Wissen dauerhaft in Deinem Leben! Erlebe ein sehr tiefes und gleichzeitig äußerst emotionales Seminar. Lass Dich nicht mehr von Deinem Weg in die finanzielle Freiheit abbringen. Du beschäftigst Dich zwei Tage lang ausschließlich mit Deinem Geld und bringst Ordnung in Deine finanzielle Situation. Du legst das sichere Fundament für Deinen Durchbruch zum finanziellen Erfolg. Über Ludger Quante Ludger Quante ist Finanzkoryphäe mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung und berät in Frankfurt die “Oberen Zehntausend” in allen Belangen, die mit dem Thema Geld zu tun haben. Sein Anspruch ist es, seinen Kunden nicht nur gute und sinnvolle Lösungen im Bereich der Finanzplanung anzubieten, sondern maßgeschneiderte Strategien für die verschiedenen, individuellen Lebenssituationen seiner Klienten zu finden. Ticket zzgl. Verpflegung und Unterkunft

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The UK Bass Guitar Show 2020

The UK Bass Guitar Show debuts at Manchester Central on the 28th and 29th March 2020. New for 2020, a brand new show, dedicated wholly for championing all things low-end heads to Manchester. With a wide variety of products, along with a fanstastic lineup of top bass players taking to the main stage, plus clinics and all the latest gear for the bass community to try and buy! Get your tickets booked today and get it in the diary - a Bass Players weekend not to be missed!

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Sun 13:00 & 18:30

Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, Visa, Mastercard Located on Northwest side of the Coliseum in an outer ticket booth with a green Will Call sign. Opens 1 hour prior to event time. (228) 594-3707 (228) 594-3708 GROUP SALES : (228) 287-7825 (MS Surge Hockey Office) Mon-Fri 9:00AM to 5:00PM This is an accessible venue. For Hearing Impaired Requests: The MS Coast Coliseum is equipped with a Hearing Assistance System. Upon arriving to the venue, guest will need to proceed to the main office, located in the south lobby, to obtain the receiver. They will need to bring their drivers license to secure the receiver, and when they are finished they will need to return the receiver to the main office to reclaim their drivers license. We recommend arriving as close to the doors opening as possible.

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ABBARAMA: The Ultimate Abba Tribute Experience

Cash, EFTPOS, Credit Card Non-Show Days: Mon to Fri: 9am - 5pm Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed Show Days: Mon to Fri: 9am - 1 hour after show commences Weekends and Public Holidays: 3 hours prior to show time and 1 hour after show time Box Office Location Crown Melbourne, Level 1 (Clarendon Street end of the Crown complex, near Gazette and Village Cinemas). Disabled Access - yes, in section A only for wheelchairs. Please contact the Crown Box Office directly for all wheelchair and special needs bookings on (03) 9292 5103

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La Regione delle opportunità - Roma Tecnopolo

Vuoi avere risposte concrete sul mondo imprenditoriale e tenerti informato sulle opportunità offerte dalla programmazione regionale, nazionale e comunitaria? Ti aspettiamo negli Spazi Attivi della Regione Lazio! Con “La Regione delle opportunità. Iniziative e bandi per le imprese”, ti offriremo informazioni a 360 gradi sulle opportunità di finanziamento e sui contributi e incentivi pubblici a sostegno di imprese, liberi professionisti, startup e per l'avvio di nuove attività. Si tratta del primo servizio di orientamento diffuso su tutto il territorio del Lazio non solo sui bandi regionali, ma anche sulle opportunità europee della rete Enterprise Europe Network - Horizon 2020, Europa Creativa, Life, Europeaid  - e nazionali (come ad esempio, i programmi di riconversione e il credito d'imposta). Gli incontri, gratuiti e della durata di 3 ore, si rivolgono ad enti, associazioni di categoria, imprese, startup e a tutti i cittadini interessati a conoscere gli avvisi, le agevolazioni ed i bandi legati al mondo imprenditoriale. Gli incontri si terranno dalle ore 09:30 alle 12:30 Per partecipare al percorso di orientamento, occorre iscriversi selezionando la data con il relativo Focus di interesse. Spazio Attivo Roma Tecnopolo - Via Giacomo Peroni 442-444 1 marzo - Cultura e Creatività 5 aprile - Il Lazio per le cooperative, misure per il credito e le startup 6 maggio - Smart&Start, nuove imprese a tasso zero ore 14.30

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Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 45001:2018

Jadwal Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 45001:2018 Jakarta, 26 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 25 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 13 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 15 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 3 Desember 2019 ISO 45001 adalah sebuah standar internasional baru untuk manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3 / OH&S), yang akan  segera menggantikan standar OHSAS 18001, WQA Sebagai badan sertifikasi Internasional  mengadakan Workshop ISO 45001 -  Occupational Health and SafetyPengenalanWorkshop ISO 45001 adalah pelatihan transisi dari OHSAS 18001:2007 ke ISO 45001 (DIS). Selaras dengan perkembangan DIS ISO  45001 pelatihan ini bertujuan mempelajari Annex SL, apa saja yang baru di ISO 45001, apa makna perubahan bagi perusahaan,  dan tips praktis untuk membantu perubahan dari OHSAS 18001 menuju ISO 45001Materi Workshop     Presentasi     Pengenalan ISO 45001     Transisi OHSAS 18001 ke ISO 45001     Persyaratan dalam ISO 45001     Diskusi ISO 45001 Manfaat Training  ISO 45001     Memahami apa saja yang baru di ISO 45001     Memahami makna perubahan bagi perusahaan     Memahami tips untuk membantu perubahan dari OHSAS 18001 ke ISO 45001     Memahami materi Annex SL FasilitatorTrainer dari Workshop ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman mutu,  terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk  manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional.Sertifikasi WorkshopBagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC. Investasi Workshop WQA ISO 45001Rp. 200.000/pesertaInvestasi ini termasuk :     Coffee Break     Training Material     Seminar Kit     Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC) PembayaranTransfer ke BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDEPembayaran paling lambat 2 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan,untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821Tempat Acara :WQA OFFICEGraha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165Central Jakarta, 10570 IndonesiaFor Information Call/Whatsapp +628111496821Website :

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