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+++DATE DA DEFINIRE E CONFERMARE+++   Dopo il grandissimo successo della Prima Edizione, torna il Corso Gratuito dell'Avvocato Familiarista, Matrimonialista e Divorzista Armando Cecatiello. Posti Limitati, Iscriviti Subito e Gratuitamente Per Garantire La Tua Prenotazione   Quando ci si sposa si fanno grandi preparativi e sono tante le scelte da fare: dal rito (civile o religioso) all’abito, fino al ristorante per la festa. Si tratta di una lunga preparazione che prevede nel caso del matrimonio religioso anche un corso pre-matrimoniale. Ma quando ci si separa? Non ci sono né preparativi né corsi, spesso si è in un turbinio di emozioni e sentimenti, di decisioni da prendere o che vengono subite, a volte si è in una condizione che non premette neppure di pensare. Abbiamo pensato ad un corso, in tre incontri, per chi si vuole separare, per chi ci sta pensando, per chi vuole conoscere cosa aspettarsi da una separazione. Il corso è destinato anche per chi ha a che fare, come gli insegnanti, con i genitori separati dei propri alunni o per i professionisti medici, pediatri, assistenti sociali che vogliono avere un’altra lettura della separazione. Il corso si distribuirà in tre serate con DATE ANCORA DA DEFINIRE.Sarà condotto dall’Avv. Armando Cecatiello, avvocato familiarista del Foro di Milano che porterà la sua esperienza professionale di oltre 25 anni, durante i quali ha accompagnato i suoi assistiti in cause, accordi pacifici e, a volte, riappacificazioni. Insieme all’Avv. Cecatiello ci saranno: la Dott.ssa Katia Biundo, Pedagogista e grande esperta del mondo dei bambini e dei ragazzi il Dott. Carlo Alfredo Clerici, Specialista in Psicologia Clinica e autore con l’Avv. Cecatiello del volume “I miei Genitori si Dividono. E Io?" Red. Edizioni la Dott.ssa Barbara Arbini, Commercialista che con la sua esperienza nel settore approfondirà le questioni patrimoniali della separazione e del divorzio.     Sede del Corso la Sala Volta di Via San Vittore 49, a Milano (mappa). La partecipazione è gratuita, previa iscrizione tramite Eventbrite o contattando lo Studio Legale Cecatiello. 02 7202 2862 | Facebook | Studio Legale Cecatiello LinkedIn | Studio Legale Cecatiello YouTube | Studio Legale Cecatiello

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Will call available at any open window (559) 445-8200 * Box Office is located at the Selland Arena, just south of the Saroyan Theatre * Box Office hours are: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm * On event days the Box Office is open until 30 minutes after showtime. On weekend event days the Box Office will be open by 4:30pm. Special accessibility seating is available for the William Saroyan Theatre. Please call the Box Office at (559) 445-8200 for more information.

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Boston Bruins vs. Calgary Flames

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Online Car Booty - Virtual Car Boot Sale

Online Car Booty is the UK's BIGGEST Online Car Boot Sale. With a weekly start time of Sunday 3pm, we are now the safest way to go car booting. The virtual sale is one that EVERYONE can attend.

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Business Succession Planning Training Course

A management succession plan affects an entire organisation. Planning a succession involves preparation, weighing options, initiating and managing change, overcoming obstacles and performing a thorough analysis of your staff and their skills and experience. The PD Training Business Succession Planning Training Course gives you an understanding of the methods and techniques of business succession planning and skill building to implement the changes smoothly and successfully with skills like conducting a SWOT analysis, drafting a succession plan and mapping employee experience and skillsets. This significant and lively training course is available now throughout Australia, including Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. Learning Outcomes Learn the importance of succession planning Understand the process of succession planning Recognise the importance of mentoring as a component of your plan Learn to set goals using a SWOT analysis Draft a plan, assign responsibilities and establish monitoring systems Understand the importance of change management Learn to anticipate obstacles Know how to re-evaluate goals and focus on progress Recognise when success has been achieved Course Outline Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 1 Getting Started  Workshop Objectives Action Plans and Evaluation Forms Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 2 Succession Planning Vs. Replacement Planning  What is Business Succession Planning? What is Replacement Planning? Differences between Succession and Replacement Deciding what you need Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 3 Preparing for the Planning Process  Should you establish a committee? How to gather operational data Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 4 Initiating Process  Develop a Mission Statement Develop a Vision Statement Choosing to be a mentor Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 5 The SWOT Analysis  Identifying Strengths Identifying Weaknesses Identifying Opportunities Identifying Threats Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 6 Developing the Succession Plan  Prioritise what the succession plan will address Set goals and objectives Develop a strategy for achieving goals Draft the plan Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 7 Executing the Plan  Assign responsibility and authority Establish a monitoring system Identifying paths Choosing your final approach Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 8 Gaining Support  Gathering data Addressing concerns and issues Evaluating and adapting Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 9 Managing the Change  Developing a change management plan Developing a communication plan Implementing the plans Providing constructive criticism Encouraging growth and development Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 10 Overcoming Roadblocks  Common obstacles Re-Evaluating goals Focusing on progress Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 11 Reaching the End  How to know when you’ve achieved success Transitioning Wrapping it all up   Business Succession Planning Training Course - Lesson 12 Wrapping Up  Words from the Wise Action Plans and Evaluations

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Audubon Ambassador Program 2019

Learn from and be inspired by South Florida's leading Environmentalists.  Take advocacy action to fight for the environment and get involved in your own community through volunteer opportunities. Become a more engaged and effective South Florida Resident! If you are a college student, an application is available to waive your attendance fee. Please fill out the following form to receive a promotional code. CLICK HERE! Space is Limited, get your tickets now! BONUS: Collect a token bird pin for each workshop you attend. Earn Your Wings by attending all the workshops and receive a special token bird collector's item! All pins will be awarded during the final Pinning Picnic session. Saturday, March 23, 2019, 9:30 AM – 4 PM: Session 1 - Introduction & Everglades Introduction to South Florida Habitats | Everglades Natural Flows and Restoration Saturday, April 27, 2019, 9:30 AM – 4 PM: Session 2 - Coastal Resilience Coastal Resiliency | Sea-level Rise | Volunteer Planting of Coastal Sand Dunes Saturday, May 25, 2019, 9:30 AM – 4 PM; Session 3 - Pine Rocklands Native Plants | Habitat Conservation | Doc Thomas House Tour Saturday, June 22, 2019, 9:30 AM - 4 PM; Session 4 - Biscayne Bay Coral Reef Restoration | Water Quality | Seagrasses | Boat Tour on Biscayne Bay Saturday, August 24, 2019, 9:30 AM - 12 PM; Session 5 - Smart Growth Urban Planning | Economic and Community Development | Bird Friendly Buildings Saturday, September 28, 2019, 9:30 AM - 4 PM; Session 6 - Birding 101 Audubon Network | History of Birding | Basic Bird Identifaction | Bird Walk Saturday, October 26, 2019, 9:30 AM - 4 PM; Session 7 - Native Plants for Birds Greening for Birds | Invasive Species | Eco-Restoration Saturday, November 23, 2019, 11:30 AM - 4 PM; Session 8 - Pinning Picnic Ambassador for a Network Lunch for Past and Current Ambassadors | Highlights of the Year _____________________________________________________________________

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Cleveland Browns vs. New Orleans Saints

Box Office accepts Visa, cash and money order. Visa is a proud sponsor of the NFL and the Cleveland Browns, and is the only card now accepted by the Browns. Available for pickup after 9:00am on gameday at the ticket office will call windows located on the South side of the Stadium. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number, and photo ID. (888) 891-1999 (toll free)(440) 891-5050 Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Opens 9:00am on game day WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Available through TM HEARING IMPAIRED: Assistive listening devices are available at any Guest Services booth located on all levels of the Stadium. A valid drivers license and/or major credit card will need to be utilized as a deposit for the equipment. ELEVATOR ACCESS: Elevator service is provided for our guests who require use of an elevator to access their seating area.

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Hamilton (Touring)

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Cash Will Call can be picked up at Gay Stree Box Office day of event 1 hour prior to performance. 865-684-1200 Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm Day of event - 1 hour prior to the start of performance Venue has ADA seating in various locations. Please call venue BOX office for these. Venue has Elevators, and ADA Facilities, ADA Parking, ADA ramps and Entrance. For more info call 865-684-1200.

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Big Open Day Gennaio 2020

Per scoprire BigRock non c’è di meglio che entrarci dentro completamente. Spesso apriamo le porte della scuola, in un pomeriggio dedicato a raccontare cosa abbiamo fatto, cosa hanno fatto i nostri ragazzi, cosa stiamo per fare e cosa immaginiamo per le prossime generazioni di sognatori. Faremo vedere cosa viene prodotto durante le lezioni, come sono fatte le lezioni, cosa si fa durante il giorno e qualche volta anche durante la notte.Spiegheremo come è fatta la vita di un BigRocker per i mesi che passerà qui con noi,ma spiegheremo anche che il tempo a BigRock ha un andamento strano: scorre molto più velocemente del tempo nel mondo reale. Scopriremo tutti i segreti della scuola, mostreremo ogni millimetro di ogni stanza, corridoio o scala. Vogliamo essere sicuri che ci scegliate perchè è esattamente cosi che immaginate il posto che cambierà la vostra vita per sempre. PROGRAMMA: ORE 15:30 PRESENTAZIONE DELLA SCUOLA (Talk, Q&A – Durata 90′ circa)            (Fino ad esaurimento posti… controlla se ci sono ancora posti disponibili!) A SEGUITO VISITE DELLA SCUOLA (Visita guidata delle classi, Q&A con i docenti. – Durata 30′ circa) È necessario prenotare un posto per ogni partecipante. (Per motivi di sicurezza la scuola non verrà aperta ai visitatori prima delle ore 15:15. Se doveste arrivare in anticipo, vi preghiamo cortesemente di attendere nella waiting room.) Si raccomanda la puntualità. **AGGIORNAMENTO** Dalla fermata dell'autobus, procedere sulla Via Per Meolo, aggirando la tenuta agricola ed entrando da Via Burano, come indicato dalla mappa.

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