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Werte und Wertemanagement - Tagesworkshop, Berlin, 30.01.2020

Werte- und Wertemanagement   Für Entscheider: Vorstände, Geschäftsführer, Bereichsleiter, ... mit Prof. Dr. John Erpenbeck und Prof. Dr. Werner Sauter Die heutige Arbeitswelt ist geprägt von einer hohen Unsicherheit und Komplexität. Digitale Kompetenzen helfen Mitarbeitern dabei, sich in neuen, offenen, unüberschaubaren, dynamischen Herausforderungen zu finden und aktiv zu handeln. Werte dienen den Menschen dabei als Ordner für den Aufbau ihrer Kompetenzen in selbstorganisierte Prozessen der Problembewältigung. Mitarbeiter mit einer hoch ausgeprägten Werteorientierung arbeiten eigenverantwortlich, indem sie sich an ihren verinnerlichten Werten orientieren, die in Prozessen der Kompetenzentwicklung entwickelt wurden. Da die Mehrheit der Mitarbeiter jedoch in Arbeits- und Lernsystemen sozialisiert wurden, die durch Fremdsteuerung geprägt sind, fällt es ihnen schwer, diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Unternehmen benötigen deshalb ein zielorientiertes Wertemanagement, d.h. ein System von Maßnahmen zur Gestaltung, Steuerung sowie Weiterentwicklung der selbstorganisierten Werteaneignung und –entwicklung. Sind die Werte einer Organisation optimal mit der Strategie und der Unternehmensführung abgestimmt, können sie eine große Menge Energie freisetzen, die dabei hilft, die gemeinsamen Ziele zu erreichen. Auf der anderen Seite können Werte ein echtes Hindernis darstellen, wenn sie nicht zur Strategie passen. Erfahren Sie in unserem Intensiv-Workshop im praxisbezogenen Austausch mit anderen Teilnehmern und unseren Wertemanagement-Experten, wie Sie Ihr betriebliches Wertemanagement initiieren, konzipieren, gestalten und erfolgreich implementieren können. Ziel dieses eintägigen Workshops ist es, in einem kollaborativen Entwicklungsprozess gemeinsam eine erste unternehmensspezifische Lösungsskizze für Ihre Organisation zu entwickeln, die aufzeigt, wie Sie die Werte Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Teams sowie der gesamten Organisation messen und in einem unternehmensweiten Prozess gezielt entwickeln können. Inhalte „Wertemanagement von „oben“ ist weitgehend sinnlos“ Der Workshop orientiert sich am Bedarf der Teilnehmer. Auf Basis einer Vorab-Umfrage wird ein maßgeschneiderter Workshop konzipiert. Dabei werden Impulsreferate mit Reflexionen, Diskussionen und der Entwicklung von Lösungsskizzen kombiniert. In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie die zentrale Bedeutung von Werten für Ihr Unternehmen und deren Messung mit dem Wertemess-System KODE®W.  Auf dieser Basis definieren Sie in Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Teilnehmern und unseren Experten die wesentlichen Schritte und Maßnahmen zur Initiierung, Konzipierung, Umsetzung und Implementierung eines wirksamen Wertemanagements, in Ihrem Unternehmen. Daraus ergibt sich folgender Ablauf:        Werte als Ordner selbstorganisierten Handelns        Werte. Wertungen in einer zunehmend digitalisierten Arbeitswelt        Aktueller Werteentwicklungsbedarf in meinem Unternehmen        Wertemessung        Gezielte Werteentwicklung von Mitarbeitern        Wertemanagement auf Team- und Organisationsebene        Implementierung eines strategieorientierten Wertemanagements Ihr Nutzen Sie werden nach diesem Workshop in der Lage sein, die notwendigen Entscheidungen für den Aufbau eines unternehmensweiten, gezielten Wertemanagements zu treffen. Sie erarbeiten sich dafür ein fundiertes Verständnis für die Anforderungen an die Wertemessung und ein Wertemanagement, das eine Verinnerlichung von Werten bei den Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften ermöglicht. Damit schaffen Sie die Voraussetzung für die Performanz Ihres Unternehmens in der digitalen Zukunft.   Gebühr 950 Euro zzgl. USt. Nehmen auch Sie Teil an einem fokussierten, intensiven und zeitlich überschaubaren Tagesworkshop! Die KODE® Academy ist ein Bildungsanbieter, welcher interessierten Personalentwicklern, HR-Managern, Geschäftsführern, Direktoren & Personalchefs, Berater, Trainer und Coaches völlig neue Wege aufzeigt Menschen zu entwickeln. Sie möchten gerne persönlich mit einem Berater über eine Teilnahme sprechen? Besprechen Sie die Zugangsvoraussetzungen und ob dieser Kurs für Sie in Frage kommt. +49 (0) 89 90410025-0 Sie erreichen uns an Werktagen von 9:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr.  

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Los Angeles Lakers vs. New Orleans Pelicans

STAPLES Center does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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New Orleans Saints vs. Atlanta Falcons

cash, visa, MC, Location: Gate A Ground Level or any open box office for Ticketmaster will call, approximately 2 hours prior to event. (504) 587-3663 Superdome Switchboard (504) 587-3805 Parking Office (504) 731-1700 Saints Tickets Office In Advance: The Caesars Superdome Box Office (Gate A Ground) is open on Fridays 9am to 4:30pm. Day of Event: Plaza Level Box Offices approximately 2 HOURS PRIOR to event through event. This is an accessible venue.

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FREE Six Sigma Yellow Belt - on-line certification class

FREE Six Sigma Yellow Belt Overview The Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is tailored to help anyone interested to know what Six Sigma is; learn key concepts in Six Sigma; and to get a basic understanding of how Six Sigma framework works in delivering successful projects. This course is included as a part of Free Lifetime Primary Membership. Once the course is completed, the student needs to take an assessment to get the certificate. The purpose of the exam is to confirm you have basic understanding of Six Sigma. Certification Exam Format Multiple Choice 40 questions for the exam One mark awarded for every right answer No negative marks for wrong answers 60 minutes duration 28 questions need to be answered correctly to pass Online un-proctored exam Audience Profile Anyone interested in knowing more about Six Sigma can take up this course and exam for free. Prerequisites There is no formal prerequisite for this course. Upon successful completion of the above Six Sigma Yellow Belt e-learning class and passing on-line examination with e-certificate, participants can claim 1 professional development point toward maintenance of your CPIM/ CFPIM/ CSCP/ CLTD designation for passing the examination with this optional physical certificate of completion (chargeable for shipping and handling cost).

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Los Angeles Lakers vs. Memphis Grizzlies

STAPLES Center does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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Hoboken Comedy Festival

The Tenth Annual Hoboken Comedy Festival is a celebration of Hoboken's Entertainment Independence. For seven days some of the most prolific comedic talent across the US come to Hoboken New Jersey to flex their comedy muscles. The festival supports the Hoboken PBA and Police Department.    2019   9/30 Willie McBride's 606 Grand Street 10/1 Arthur's Steakhouse 237 Washington St 10/2 The Brass Rail 135 Washington St 10/3 Arthur's Steakhouse 237 Washington St 10/4 Jubilee Center 603 Jackson St 8pm & 10pm 10/4 Hudson Dorms Secret Show Midnight 10/5 Hudson Dorms Secret Show 4pm 10/5 Studio L Hoboken 505 Madison St 8pm & 10pm & Midnight 10/6 The Brass Rail 135 Washington St More info:   Tickets $15/$20/$25 presale and +$5 more at door

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Cash ABC and advanced cash training in Bangkok

Cash ABC and Advanced Cash Training in Bangkok Traning Venue - TBA This course provides the most up to date insights on the use of cash based assistance (CBA) in humanitarian settings. Participants can independently select the one-day or the four-day course, they can also choose to stay for the whole week. The one-day Cash ABC offers knowledge, skills and reliable practitioner insights on Cash Based Assistance (CBA) across the project cycle. The four-day training is organised per theme to offer a comprehensive understanding of the more debated topics on CBA at the moment. The course is interactive (i.e. minimum slide show presentation), drawing on participants’ experiences and knowledge. Time will be dedicated to address practical challenges that participants may have faced in their current positions. This course is delivered in English. We limit the number of participants to 20 to ensure small and participatory group.  Course objectives By the end of the Cash ABC training participants will be able to:      1/ Explain the different CBA related concepts and terminologies;      2/ Identify the key steps for the design, implementation and monitoring of CBA;      3/ Attribute roles and responsibilities at project level for the effective implementation of CBA. By the end of the Advanced Cash training, participants will be able to:      1/ Explain clearly and simply the linkages between market and cash based programming;      2/ Discuss the state of CBA related evidence;      3/ Identify key points of attention when the use of Multi-Purpose Grants is considered;      4/ Set up a cash in/cash out process as well as a fruitful collaboration with service providers;      5/ Calculate CBA transfer value and use Minimum Expenditure Basket;      6/ Decide on relevant output, outcomes and impact indicators when CBA is used and set up an effective data collection mechanism;      7/ Identify the main existing cash coordination schemes as well as the global stakes of CBA coordination;      8/ Explain how social protection schemes can be used to support humanitarian delivery. Course structure Training will run from 9am to 5pm every day except for the last day, which will end at 4pm. Each day is organised in four blocks, separated by a lunch break and two coffee breaks, one in the morning and another in the afternoon.  From the second day onwards, each day will begin with a review of the topics covered the day before to ensure that the concepts, tools, and approaches were fully understood. Each day ends with a period of reflection, evaluation, and questions.  Participants will be actively encouraged to take part in classroom discussions and group work. The trainers will draw on both theoretical and practical knowledge in order to make the experience and learning applicable.  DAY 1 – Cash ABC - CBA concepts and terminologies - The 10 things you should know about CBA - The key steps of CBA across the project cycle - Who is doing what, when? DAY 2: What? – Evidence, market and monitoring – getting the “complexity” out of the way  - The CBA related evidence per sector and per context: everyone talks about evidence but does it exist? - Cash and market: everyone also talk about those two as well but what is the link? - Starting with the end: CBA monitoring or how to monitor a multi sectoral tool in an outcome driven sector DAY 3- Multi-purpose grants (MPG) and calculating the transfer value - How do MPG differ from other types of CBA? When are they appropriate? - How to calculate the transfer value for sectoral and multi sectoral grants? - Should I use a MEB or something else? DAY 4- Service providers and cash in/cash out - The different service providers. - How to select the good ones and have successful relationships? - Cash in/cash out: the concrete steps DAY 5 - The bigger picture - Cash coordination: why is it so complicated, ad hoc and political? - Operational models: can we predict what is the most efficient and effective set up to distribute CBA?  - Emergency cash transfer and social protection: the best enemies? Who should attend?  Humanitarian practitioners across sectors and functions can attend, we especially encourage both the technical but also the operational teams to join us for this course. The more diverse the team is the more interesting the exchanges are.  The one day CTP ABC is open to any practitioner with an interest in cash transfer programming and programme design and delivery experience.  The four-days advanced training is open to the one-day CTP trainees and to practitioners who have already designed and implemented cash transfer programming in the field. This training will be delivered per themes and not as per the project cycle, hence participants should be already familiar with key steps of the CTP project cycles as they will not be repeated. Your trainers Helene Juillard has over a decade’s experience in evaluating, researching and managing emergency and early recovery responses. She has both a cash and market-based programming, as well as capacity strengthening, expertise. She has led and supported several cash based programmes in the field, from Bangladesh to Ethiopia. Helene authored the Minimum Standard for Market Analysis, the Pre- Crisis Market Analysis along with Cash guidance for UNDP, CARE, DCA and Oxfam. Helene is a CaLP member and part of the advisory board for Market in Crisis group.  Mike Daniels is a seasoned trainer with 15+ years of program management & capacity development in NGOs, Red Cross and the UN. Mike implemented relief and recovery projets in Afghanistan, Indonesia, North Caucasus, Sudan, Iraq, Greece and has built staff capacity across Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Middle-East. Mike regularly trains practitioners on cash based assistance but also the Sphere standards.  How much does it cost to attend the training?  Our fees are inclusive of all training resources, lunch, and refreshments. Our trainings are non-residential but we usually offer recommendations on affordable accommodations close by. Standard fees:      - 5 days: 900 Euros       - 1 day Cash ABC 220 EUR       - 4 day Advanced 780 EUR (NB: if you are a French based organisation, we will have to charge you 20% VAT on top of the training fees) Early bird: if you register and pay by November 30th, you will get a 10% discount. Individuals working for organisations based in the global south are offered a 30% discount on our training fees. Group discount: organisations booking at least 3 participants at the same time get a 20% discount on training fees. Note: those discounts are non cumulative. Still have some questions?  Check out our Terms and Conditions here  If you have any questions about this course or require further information, please contact

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Hamilton (Touring)

Visa, MC, AMEX,DSC,Cash,Travelers Checks Will call 2 hours prior to curtain time. 10 am - 6 pm Monday - Friday (non-show days)

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