Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Curso intensivo de Teatro e Improvisación para Principiantes en Madrid: ¡el regalo más original para ti o tus amigos!
Hacer teatro es jugar, divertirse, improvisar, reír, dejarse llevar, sentir, expresar, crear, escuchar, descubrir, desinhibirse, despertar, sorprenderse, imaginar, innovar, conocerte, desconectar, soltarse, confiar, compartir, disfrutar y pasártelo en grande. Una experiencia enriquecedora e imprescindible que te mereces…
Dirigido a todos aquellos interesados en realizar un primer acercamiento a la actividad teatral.
En un ambiente puro de diversión y entretenimiento, este curso invita a los participantes a una búsqueda grupal y personal, ya que la expresión teatral enriquece y complementa la formación integral de las personas.
No es necesaria experiencia previa. No perseguimos objetivos profesionales.
No hay edad ni fronteras, hacer teatro es una auténtica terapia de risas e imaginación.
• Ejercicios de expresión, comunicación y creatividad.
• Técnicas de interpretación, expresión corporal y expresión vocal.
• Juego Dramático e Improvisación.
• Deberás traer ropa cómoda, tipo chándal o cualquier otra prenda que permita realizar las actividades sin condicionamientos. El centro cuenta con servicios para quienes prefieran cambiarse de ropa previo al comienzo de la actividad.
• Una vez hecha tu reserva, ponte en contacto con el centro con antelación para confirmar la cita. Una vez confirmada, preséntate el mismo día de la actividad, 5 minutos antes, con el e-mail de confirmación de la reserva impreso para que se puedan comprobar los datos de tu pedido.
• Esta actividad es sólo apta para mayores de 18 años.
• Esta actividad requiere un mínimo de asistentes. En caso de no alcanzarse, te avisaríamos con antelación.
• En los casos de suspensión por parte del centro o de no coincidir en el caso de una postergación de fecha, se devolverá el 100% del importe abonado.
• Los cursos tienen un cupo limitado.
• Si no te presentas a la cita, perderás tu reserva sin posibilidad de realizar la actividad otro día.
• No se admiten cambios ni devoluciones.
• Duración: 3 horas.
Contacta con Estudio Teatro Madrid: 670 483 938 / 911 107 575 o
All major credit cards Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express – are accepted at the box office. SNHU Arena is a cashless venue – cash is not accepted as payment at the venue box office or concession stands. No checks of any kind are accepted.
Will call tickets may be picked up day of show only. No advance pickup of tickets designated as will call delivery will be allowed. Customer must present the credit card used to purchase, a valid matching photo ID, and the Ticketmaster order number in order to claim the tickets.
For general venue information, email or call (603) 644-5000. For group sales inquiries, email with the event you are interested in and your message will be directed to the appropriate sales team.
The box office is open day-of-event only for all ticketed events. The box office will open a minimum of 90 minutes prior to the posted event start time. Please check the venue website or social media pages for specific dates and times. The box office is not open for walk-up advance sales on non-event days.
This is an accessible venue, accessible seating is available for purchase via Ticketmaster. To view current available inventory, please visit the purchase page for your desired event.
Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express
Available at Box Office during regular hours.
Holiday Box Office Hours: Christmas Eve (12/24/19) - 10:00am-2:00pm Christmas Day (12/25/19) - CLOSED New Year's Eve (12/31/19) - CLOSED New Year's Day (1/1/20) - 12:00pm-7:00pm Box office hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR SALES IN PERSON ONLY.
There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps within the theatre we are unable to provide assistance. Orchestra: Seating is accessible to the Orchestra without steps, but there are 1-2 steps up to access rows Q-T in the Center and Right Orchestra. Wheelchair seating is in the Orchestra only. Mezzanine: On the 2nd Level: up 29 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Mezzanine. Entrance is behind row F. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the mezzanine. Balcony: On the 3rd level: up 76 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Balcony. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the Balcony.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, & Discover. Lenovo Center is 100% cashless.
Lenovo Center Ticket Office presented by 919.861.2323 Lenovo Center and Carolina Hurricanes Business Office: 919.861.2300
Lenovo Center Ticket Office hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 10AM to 4PM. Closed Friday through Monday, unless an event is taking place the Ticket Office will open at 12PM. On event days, the Ticket Office will be open through the start of the event. Lenovo Center Ticket Office is located at the south end of the building, directly across from Carter Finley Stadium.
Wheelchair accessible seating and mobility impaired seating are available in all levels of the arena and at all price levels. Lower level seating is located along sides and ends, club level seating is located along ends, and upper level seating is located along sides, corners, and ends. Sight and hearing impaired seating is available in the lower level corners.
In de derde productie van W.A.N.P. worden de legendes Solomon en Sheba naar het hier en nu gebracht via urban dans, voguing, popmuziek en beeld met creatief geweld. Deze historische, culturele en religieuze iconen worden gebruikt om het spannende coming-of-age verhaal van twee jonge derde generatie migranten in beeld te brengen. Beiden worden deze jonge dansers geconfronteerd met de taboes en vooroordelen die hun ontluikende seksualiteit en gemixte culturele achtergronden met zich meebrengen.
Een voorstelling over identiteit, cultuur, seksualiteit en de kracht van de liefde in al zijn vormen.
Dans cette troisième production de W.A.N.P., les personnages légendaires que sont Solomon et Sheba (la Reine de Saba) sont transposés de manière créative dans notre époque, à travers les danses urbaines, le voguing, la musique pop et l'image. Ces icônes culturelles et religieuses sont utilisées pour raconter l'histoire captivante du passage à l'âge adulte de deux jeunes issus de l'immigration, de la troisième génération. Les jeunes danseurs sont tous deux à confrontés aux tabous et préjugés qu'impliquent leur sexualité bourgeonnante et leur milieux culturels mixtes.
Une représentation autour de l'identitié, la culture, la sexualité et le pouvoir de l'amour sous toutes ses formes.
Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 586-6510
Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm