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A cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary dialogue

This event has been RESCHEDULED for a date to be announced in 2019 As there has been considerable interest in this symposium you are advised to register now. All those who have registered their interest in advance will be the first to be advised when a new date has been decided. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW Sovereignty is a foundational concept for the globally dominant systems of jurisprudence, international relations and governance. But this Western thinking about sovereignty is stuck in the European and colonial past, making it hard to deal with a whole range of urgent global and local challenges from climate change, to ecosystem protection and renewal, to honouring the wisdom of indigenous cultures. Sovereignty’s expression in the theory of the nation state since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 and the sovereignty of the individual according to some readings of the US Constitution of 1787 have become inimical to the viability of our own species and many others as well. A new conception of sovereignty vested in the Earth and asserting the preeminence of respect for the matrix of life, the integrity of the biosphere, and the inalienability of our global commons has become a necessity. The redefinition of Earth sovereignty as prior to and more fundamental than human agency would provide a basis on which to reframe all our doctrines of authority, justice and responsible governance. In this respect Australia’s indigenous knowledge systems and traditions of Caring for Country have much to teach the hegemonic cultures of crisis prone techno-industrial growth societies. This symposium will invite a dialogue between four principal praxis streams within a context of indigenous understandings of human participation in and responsibility for the natural order. The four praxis streams will be: • Law, Governance and Politics • Earth System Science • Planetary Health • Society and Culture Particpation in the symposium will be by invitation following a call for expressions of interest. Participants may offer to present a paper, convene a panel, facilitate a roundtable or dialogue circle, or simply contribute to the deliberations.

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Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Nashville Predators

412-642-1800 During the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey season, the DICK'S Sporting Goods Box Office at PPG Paints Arena will be open: Monday – Friday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM and Saturday, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Sundays that are event days will vary based on the event time but opening hours will always be 10:00 AM with the Box Office remaining open up through the start of the event.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express Will Call is located at the venue box office and is available 2 hours prior to performance. 336-373-7400 In advance - Tue-Sat 12pm-5pm Day of Event - Opens at 12pm on event days

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Managing Successful Programmes – MSP Foundation 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description: This three-day course provides participants with a thorough understanding of the Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) programme management methodology, providing the knowledge needed to confidently understand and explain the use of MSP to manage programmes in line with strategic aims of a business and the its day-to-day running. Delivered by fully accredited trainers and industry leading experts who have extensive experience using MSP, the course includes a relevant, modern case study to help delegates understand how to apply the MSP way of managing programmes in the real world. There is also plenty of opportunity for participants to present their exercise results and discuss them with the rest of the class, thus gaining further knowledge from many different points of view, in many different industries. Course Topics: ●      MSP Introduction and Overview – What is a programme? What is programme management? MSP Structure ●      MSP Framework and Concepts – Principles, governance themes, transformational flow, management strategies and plans. ●      VISION – What is a vision’? What makes a good Vision Statement? ●      Identifying a Programme – Programme Mandate. Linking to Policy and Strategy. Preparing a Programme Brief. Planning to Define the Program. ●      Blueprint Design and Delivery – What is a Blueprint, and what does it contain? Developing a Blueprint from the Vision Statement. ●      Defining a Programme – Creating a Programme Definition Document (including the Project Dossier, the Programme Plan and the Programme Business Case). ●      Planning and Control – What is a Programme Plan and how is it developed? The Project Dossier. Resourcing and scheduling. ●      Benefits Realisation Management – The key driver for the program. How benefits realisation links to achieving strategic objectives. Outcome relationship models and Benefit Maps. Planning for benefits realisation. ●      Organisation and the Programme Office – Organisation and leadership. Organisational structure, the key roles and their responsibilities. What is a Programme Office and what service does it provide. ●      The Business Case – Developing, managing and reviewing the program’s Business Case. ●      Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement – Leadership as opposed to management. How leaders’ actively engage stakeholders. Analysing and engaging with stakeholders. Stakeholder maps and matrices. ●      Managing the Tranches – Implementing governance arrangements. Establishing tranches. Managing risks and issues. ●      Delivering the Capability and Realising the benefits Co-ordinating and managing projects on the Project Dossier. Starting and closing projects. Maintaining alignment with the program. Ensuring that project outputs are fit for purpose and can be integrated into operations, so that benefits can be realised. Pre-transition, transition and post-transition activities. ●      Quality and Assurance Management – Critical Success Factors. The scope of programme quality and assurance management. Quality processes. Configuration Management. Quality Management Strategy and Plan. Information Management Strategy and Plan. ●      Risk Management and Issue Resolution- Principles, approach and strategy for managing risks and resolving issues. Managing and controlling changes in programmes. ●      Closing a Programme- Formal confirmation of completion. Finalizing programme information.  Learning Goals:  ●      Understand the principles and structure of MSP. ●      Understand the benefits of a structured method in a changing environment. ●      Explain the MSP process model. ●      Understand the MSP themes. ●      Draft a Programme brief and Vision Statement. ●      Propose a Programme organisation structure. ●      Engage with stakeholders at all levels. ●      Understand the vision and the blueprint and how they can be applied to the best advantage. ●      Apply progress control mechanisms. ●      Appreciate the principles of programme level quality and risk management. ●      Realize the importance of configuration management  Course Agenda: Day 1 ●      MSP® Introduction and Overview ●      MSP® Framework and Concepts ●      Identifying a Programme ●      Blueprint Design and Delivery ●      Defining a Programme ●      Planning and Control Day 2 ●      Benefits Realisation Management ●      Organisation and the Programme Office ●      The Business Case ●      Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement ●      Managing the Tranches ●      Delivering the Capability and Realising the benefits ●      Quality and Assurance Management ●      Risk Management and Issue Resolution ●      Closing a Programme Who can Attend? ●      Newly appointed programme managers who may have a background in managing projects, but have not previously operated in a transformational change environment. ●      Senior managers who will sponsor the change, or perhaps be held accountable for its success. ●      Operational managers charged with embedding the change in their area. ●      Operational staff undertaking a role in the programme or related projects. ●      Programme office staff (PMO) wishing to build upon their project management knowledge. ●      Experienced project managers. ●      Those seeking a professional qualification in programme management.

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Il Coaching per performare nello Sport “Lo sport va a cercare la paura per dominarla, la fatica per trionfarne, la difficoltà per vincerla.”Pierre de Coubertin Il Coaching nasce in ambito sportivo, e in questo ambiente trova la sua più naturale applicazione, proprio perché tutto lo sport è focalizzato sui concetti chiave del Coaching: PERFORMANCE e RISULTATI. Ma nello sport esistono molti tipi di performance: tecnica, atletica, mentale, emotiva e relazionale, con le declinazioni individuali o di squadra e di team. Per far distinzione tra tutti questi tipi di Performance, molti non parlano solo di Coaching Sportivo, ma di MENTAL COACHING SPORTIVO. Ma in realtà non ci si occupa solo degli aspetti mentali, per questo forse è più corretto parlare di PERFOMANCE COACHING SPORTIVO. Il focus per un Coach Sportivo Professionista è su 3 aspetti:– MENTALE;– EMOTIVO;– RELAZIONALE. La mente di un atleta deve essere un rasoio affilato, e deve conoscere le strategie relative alla propria disciplina. Esistono vari tipi di performance sportiva, da quelle che durano pochi secondi (come nei tuffi), a quelle che durano molte ore (come ultra-maratone e triathlon), da quelle individuali a quelle di squadra, e da quelle che prevedono uno scontro (esempio la scherma o la boxe) o un confronto solo con se stessi (esempio il sollevamento pesi). Le strategie mentali devono tenere conto di questi aspetti peculiari della disciplina e del singolo atleta. Poi c’è la performance emotiva, diversa da quella mentale. Un atleta deve essere pronto a reazioni emotive proprie, dei propri compagni di squadra e dei propri avversari, e deve sapersi gestire e riequilibrare emotivamente. In questo ambito il modello di Equilibrio Emotivo  è un valido supporto. Infine c’è la performance relazionale. Un atleta deve sapersi relazionare al proprio team, ai propri compagni nel caso degli sport di squadra, ai propri tifosi, ai propri manager e parenti, e anche con i media. L’obiettivo del corso è specializzarsi nell’applicazione del Coaching ai contesti sportivi, professionistici e dilettantistici, di squadra e individuali, agonistici e non. “La forza mentale distingue i campioni dai quasi campioni.”Rafael Nadal

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Testautomatisierung für Manager und Entscheider Schulung/Training

Das von uns angebotene Testautomatisierung für Manager und Entscheider Schulung vermittelt methodische Grundlagen im Bereich der Testautomatisierung. Wir bauen Basiswissen über die wichtigsten Aspekte der Automatisierung auf und zeigen diese in praktischen Beispielen. Folgende Fragen werden in der "Testautomatisierung für Manager und Entscheider" Schulung beantwortet: Was sind die Voraussetzungen für eine gute Testautomatisierung? Wie unterstützt Testautomatisierung Ihren Projekterfolg? Wie kann die Testautomatisierung Sie als Manager unterstützen? Wie fügt sich Automatisierung in Ihre Projektstruktur ein? Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Robotic Process Automation (RPA) und Testautomatisierung? Inhalt des "Testautomatisierung für Manager und Entscheider" Seminars Ablaufplan: Einführung in die Testautomatisierung Entwicklung einer Teststrategie Testautomatisierbarkeit Datengetriebene Automatisierung Testautomatisierung im Continuous Integration/Delivery Prozess Notwendige Prozesse und Strukturen Reporting Ziel des Seminars: Als Seminarteilnehmer/in lernen Sie die grundlegenden Methoden und Konzepte der Testautomatisierung kennen. Des Weiteren erfahren Sie, welche Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit die Testautomatisierung zum Erfolg wird. Zielgruppe der "Testautomatisierung für Testmanager und Projektmanager" Schulung: Testmanager Projektmanager Teamleiter IT-Manager/Leiter Preis Preis: 920 Euro **Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl. MwSt Bei Anmeldung bis 6 Wochen vor Schulungsbeginn erhalten Sie zusätzlich 10% Frühbucherrabatt. Mehr unter:

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Fri 14:00 & 19:00

Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)

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