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MBE/DBE/ACDBE Application Assistance Workshop

APPLICATION ASSISTANCE WORKSHOP MDOT’s Office of Small and Minority Business Policy conducts a free monthly workshop for firms interested in applying for certification as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and/or Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE). Learn the benefits of certification, the application process, eligibility standards, as well as business development and marketing tips.  You will also have the opportunity to meet with a certification officer one-on-one to ask questions that relate specifically to your business.   Each ticket is valid for one admission, each individual attending must register independently. For additional information visit our website at  For questions, email or call (410)865-1269. **Once this event is sold out, tickets and registration will no longer be available** **Security Policy: All visitors must present a valid Driver's License or U.S. Passport in order to gain access to the building.

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Managing Benefits Practitioner 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description: The purpose of the Managing Benefits™ guidance and certification scheme is to provide managers and practitioners from different disciplines in a variety of organizations with applicable guidance in benefits management principles, practices, and techniques. This 2-days course enables learners to apply and understand how to tailor the Managing Benefits methodology effectively  Course Topics: Module 1: Exam Overview Module 2: Principles Exercises Module 3: Group Discussion Topics  Learning Goals: To prepare learners for the Managing Benefits Practitioner course by:  ●      Planning the implementation of benefits management, select appropriate strategies to sustain and measure progress. ●      Selecting and adopt principles, practices, and techniques to suit different organizational environments. ●      Applying activities that should be undertaken during each of the practices of the Benefits Management Cycle together with the accountabilities and responsibilities of each of the defined roles. ●      Evaluating examples of benefits management information (documents). ●      Analyzing the solutions adopted in relation to a given scenario.  Course Agenda: Day 1 Exam Overview Revision Day 2 Practical Exercises & Group Discussion Topics Sit in the Sample Practitioner exam Revision  Who can Attend? ●      Change leaders ●      Change initiators ●      Change appraisers and evaluators ●      Change implementers/enablers

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Corso di Preparazione DITALS II

The DITALS II certification is released by the Università per stranieri di Siena since 1994, and you can use it all over the world in language schools, Universities and Italian Cultural Institutes. (Requirements) If you want to know more visit the Università per Stranieri di Siena website. The DITALS II is suitable for teachers with previous experience in language teaching; if you don’t have previous experience please check the DITALS I certification.  FEATURES OF THE COURSE 30 hours course. This course will be activated with a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 12. Lessons will be at Happy Languages Office: Aldgate Tower 2 Leman Street, London E1 8FA, United Kingdom. For more information about the course contents follow this  link Bibliography Terms and conditions apply Testimonials Studentessa di lingue straniere si trova a insegnare la propria lingua a stranieri in maniera del tutto “a tentoni”. Cercando di professionalizzarmi nell’insegnamento della lingua italiana ho partecipato al corso di preparazione dell’esame Ditals sostenuto da Paolo di Happy Languages. Dire che mi sono trovata bene è dir poco. Il corso mi ha insegnato non solo le procedure e il sistema dell’esame ditals ma mi ha del tutto aperto la mente su cosa significa l’essere insegnanti. La costante ricerca e riflessione sulla lingua e sulla cultura è uno dei tanti valori che in particolare questo corso mi ha trasmesso. Sapevo che fare l’insegnante di italiano mi sarebbe piaciuto ma grazie a questo corso e la serietà e la preparazione di Paolo ho capito che essere insegnanti di lingua è qualcosa che va ben oltre le mie aspettative. Paolo è riuscito a trasmettermi l’amore e la passione che si possa avere nell’insegnare italiano a stranieri. Ringrazio fortemente e consiglio questo corso a tutti coloro che hanno anche solo la curiosità di insegnare la propria lingua. (Noemi Simone, Maggio 2015) Sono stata molto contenta di frequentare questo corso perché mi ha insegnato più di quanto mi aspettassi. È stato un luogo di lavoro che ha stimolato la mia creatività e mi ha fatto nascere tante domande sulla professione dell’insegnante. Mi sono trovata in sintonia con la concezione di insegnamento come vocazione, cioè come spazio di crescita e dialogo continuo per il vero insegnante che è disposto a mettersi in discussione. (Francesca Bruschi, Maggio 2015) L’esperienza nella scuola Happy Languages è stata interessante! Il corso DITALS e l’osservazione delle lezioni sono stati di grande aiuto per la mia formazione!! Consiglio vivamente la scuola e il corso a chi vuole fare un’esperienza teorica e pratica nel campo dell’insegnamento dell’italiano L2. (Marzia Pellerito, Novembre 2014) Insegnati fantastici, ambiente piacevole. Il corso ditals è stato molto utile per la mia formazione. Esperienza eccezionale!!! (Rossella Spina, Novembre 2014) L’inizio del corso da 30 ore di glottodidattica ad Happy Languages è stato dedicato ad una presentazione dei vari approcci e delle varie metodologie di insegnamento delle lingue.Dopodichè abbiamo analizzato nel dettaglio le differenti parti che compongono l’esame Ditals II.Infine ci sono state delle vere e proprie simulazioni d’esame con relativi feedback che si sono rivelati molto utili e preziosi.Le parti teoriche sono state presentate in una maniera molto dinamica e coinvolgente con attività in coppia ed in gruppo; un’atmosfera rilassata ed amichevole ha contribuito al nascere di confronti stimolanti e fruttuosi. A testimonianza dell’efficacia di questo metodo è sufficiente dire che tutti i partecipanti del corso, secondo i risultati delle simulazioni, avrebbero superato l’esame senza aver dovuto leggere la ricca bibliografia. Ovviamente questo non è un invito a non studiare in quanto il punteggio finale può essere sempre migliorato ed occorre essere preparati anche alle domande più disparate ed imprevedibili.Inoltre Happy Languages offre la possibilità di svolgere un tirocinio utile per raggiungere le 300 ore di insegnamento necessarie per rientrare nei requisiti per il Ditals II. Per me questa è stata un’occasione fantastica per fare esperienza in una metropoli multiculturale come Londra e per lavorare a stretto contatto con il direttore Paolo La Gamma che mi ha trasmesso la sua passione per questo mestiere. (Michele Piscitelli, Novembre 2014)

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Kids Technology Expo Richmond Virginia | (202) 674-4862 | Impie Techie Qualification: If your child can understand what a binary number is, he or she qualifies. Introducing children to the wonders of Information Technology. Children will attend a conference and get to share ideas with other children. Groups of 4 will be formed and children will assemble a mini internet. Children will interact {play video games and send messages} between computers across the network they build. boxed lunch will be served children will learn how to be a disc-jockey (DJ) with real professional DJ equipment. Children will have a small party with music, snacks and drinks. -- -- -- -- -- Computer support Richmond Virginia Computer support Washington DC

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Final Two Days for the Required Pre-Registration for JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Presents Giveaway

What: Final Two Days for the Required Pre-Registration for JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Presents Giveaway When: Monday, November 30 & December 1, 2020, from 1 pm to 6 pm Where: JPC Pantry 1404 Utica, NY 13501  Follow the link for Johnson Park Center, 26 Johnson Park,* Google Maps,-75.2388869,17z Go around the corner (See Basketball Playground) *to 1404 *West Street. Contact: Rev. U. Meier, (315) 269-8580 by email at Utica, NY. The next JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Presents Registration final two days will be on Mon, Nov 30, and Tue, Dec 1 from 1 pm to 6 pm at the JPC Food Pantry, 1404 WestStreet. Parents and Caregivers 18 years or older will register each child and have one of the following IDs, NYS Benefit Card, Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, or Court Order Custody Document. Adults without children need to register too.  The JPC Food Pantry is not limited by territory or a boundary area. Our Pantry is the only designated pantry open in the late afternoon & evening hours. Therefore, you can live in Utica. Rome, the Mohawk Valley, and all other surrounding areas can participate in the JPC Christmas Food Boxes and Present Giveaway. Unfortunately, there is no online or phone registration and no transportation services. Please have had relatives, friends, or case managers, if applicable to bring you. Case managers or responsible persons can with ID can register homebound people. If you have any questions or need additional information, the best way to contact Rev. Ursula Meier, JPC COO & Media Coordinator, is by or call the JPC Office between 1 pm to 5 pm or email at Thank you so much for your continual support and Join Positive Change at Johnson Park Center (JPC). Rev. Dr. Maria A. Scates, D.D.    CEO / Founder

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ICBET 2021: 15. International Conference on Biosynthetic Engineering and Technology

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICBET 2021: 15. International Conference on Biosynthetic Engineering and Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Biosynthetic Engineering and Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Biosynthetic Engineering and Technology

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Arco en Barcelona

Nombre del evento: Arco en BarcelonaUbicación: Sala ApoloDirección: Carrer Nou de la Rambla 113 - 08004 BarcelonaFecha: 07-03-2020Apertura de puertas: 21:00Entrada permitida a: mayores de 16 añosLink de venta de entradas:

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2 Hour Family Surfing Lessons (01-26-2020 starts at 9:00 AM)

Develop hidden talent. Strengthen the bonds between families. Encourage personal discipline. Teach lasting commitment. And do it all through a simple but exhilarating connection with the ocean environment. There are few activities that offer genuine life-changing experiences for the entire family quite like surfing. Give them the opportunity to experience the joys of surfing and your Ohana will thank you long after the boards have been stored.And to help offset the expenses of bringing the whole family to Hawaii, we’ve created a family package that’s affordable, safe, and fun for everyone. The base family lesson covers one adult and one child who is 12 years old and under, with the option to add additional family members. Family lessons are available for both one (1) hour and two (2) hour sessions.Price includes 1 adult and 1 child 12 and under. You can add on more family members after the 1st adult & child.By completing this booking request, you acknowledge that this is a request that needs to be confirmed by our Partners. Once verified, you will receive a confirmation email.

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