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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Fri 14:00 & 19:00

Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)

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Miami Heat vs. Houston Rockets

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express Will Call is located at the Ticketmaster Box Office on the North Side of the Arena located between Gates 3 & 4. Valid ID required to pick up Will Call Tickets Miami HEAT & Arena Event Sales Information: • Miami HEAT Season Tickets & Partial Plans (786) 777 HOOP • Miami HEAT Group Tickets (786) 777 DUNK • Miami HEAT Premium Seats (Courtside/Flagship/Suites/Loges) (786) 777 4320 • Arena Event Suite Sales (786) 777 1000 • Group Ticket & Fundraising Opportunities for Arena Family Shows (786) 777 4FUN (4386) Miami-Dade Arena (Formerly FTX Arena) will only be open on event days. Arena Box Office Information (786) 777-1250 This is an accessible venue.

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“Ciò che sei urla così forte che non riesco ad ascoltare ciò che dici!” Ralph Waldo Emerson Il linguaggio del corpo è una vera e propria lingua, che tutti parliamo ma che solo il 2% della popolazione riesce a capire correttamente (fonte: Paul Ekman).Uno sguardo, un toccamento, grattarsi il naso, spolverarsi la giacca, stringere le labbra… tutto ha un significato, e saperlo leggere correttamente ci può aiutare nel migliorare la nostra comunicazione. Il corpo si esprime sempre e comunque, anche senza il nostro permesso; e laddove cerchiamo di controllarlo, lui trova il modo di esprimersi e di esprimere anche il suo dissenso verso il nostro controllo.Ma il rischio di interpretare male i segnali del corpo altrui, o di inviare messaggi errati e incongruenti è molto alto. Anzi, spesso chi si occupa di CNV tende a interpretare troppo e tutto, perdendo le sfumature veramente significative del Linguaggio del Corpo. Per questo è fondamentale conoscere e studiare la Comunicazione Non Verbale con un approccio scientifico e libero da smanie di voler “sgamare” gli altri. Conoscere il Linguaggio del Corpo e le Microespressioni ci permette di capire veramente bene gli altri, le loro emozioni, i loro stati mentali ed entrare ancora più semplicemente in empatia e sintonia con loro. Inoltre, ci permette di migliorare la nostra Comunicazione, rendendola più Efficace, più Efficiente, più Elegante, più Persuasiva e più d’Impatto.Ovviamente, i campi di applicazione della CNV e del Linguaggio del Corpo sono tanti quante sono le attività che richiedono delle interazioni umane: dalla vendita alla genitorialità, dalla gestione delle risorse umane alle attività investigative, dalla didattica alla sicurezza, dalle attività sanitarie a tutte le relazioni di aiuto.Il corso non svela segreti o tecniche magiche, ma fornisce “nuovi occhi” con cui osservare scientificamente il comportamento e la gestualità altrui, oltre a modelli di osservazione strategica.   “Chi sospetta un inganno dovrebbe fare più attenzione alla voce e al corpo” Paul Ekman   PROGRAMMA:- I falsi miti della Comunicazione Non Verbale- Neurologia della CNV - Premesse Metodlogiche: CIC, TTT e tempi della CNV- Prossemica: le 4 distanze- Postura e Portamento- Segnali di Gradimento- Segnali di Tensione- Segnali di Rifiuto- Le (Micro)Espressioni Universali- La Respirazione- Il ParaVerbale- Gli indicatori di Incongruenza- Il contatto oculare - Il contatto fisico - Psicogeografia degli ambienti e degli uffici Formula di EFFICACIA FYM: 60% teoria e studio della CNV 40% pratica interattiva (video ed esercitazioni pratiche) Quota d'iscrizione: 590€ + iva La quota comprende: - corso (2 giornate - 14 ore);- materiali didattici cartacei; - materiali didattici digitali;- attestato di partecipazione; - rifrequenza gratuita del corso. BROCHURE DEL CORSO BIBLIOGRAFIA DEL CORSO NUMERO VERDE GRATUITO: 800.14.87.37  

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Performance testing with JMeter

Training is an entry point into performance testing, which is increasingly becoming part of common testing activities. It allows us to identify types of errors that would be difficult to detect by manual tests, and that could make an application unavailable at a higher user load. Participants will briefly learn the necessary theory and by practical exercises will learn how to create or upload test scenarios for testing a web application and a publicly available rest API in Jmeter built over Java. Exercises are focused on creating your own project, working with variables, RESTAPI and databases, distributed tests and last but not least, working with Grafana. The aim of the training is to teach the participants to save the results of the performance tests in a special database and then draw the data in the form of well-arranged graphs. Agenda (theory, practice) First 2 hours of theory (types of tests, reports) The rest of the day practical examples  Participant knowledgeorothertrainingprerequisites: HTML basics of JMeter HTTP RESTAPI technical knowledge Automation Preconditions for attending this course: PC with admin rights, windows, – download Binaries NOT Source –

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New Year Downtown

We had so much fun ringing in 2019 with you!! Now we are starting to think about 2020.  Register here and we will send you updates as we get closer. Registration for the details is FREE.  Know someone who would want to know about this? Send them a personal message so they can sign up to be in the know too!! If you want REAL TIME updates, go to the facebook event page HERE. Marking GOING or INTERESTED. Or better yet subscribe to our events and like our page. Facebook will send you notifications anytime we update that page.  BELOW ARE DETAILS FROM 2019. Event will be similar. This keeps getting better with your help.  The best events are about the people. We'll tell our best friends. You tell yours. We will all party together.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE DID IT!!! Time to celebrate New Year's Eve Downtown. Another year in the books. And what a year it was. Downtown Houston is well on it's way to becoming the true cultural heart of Houston. This is being accomplished by hard work from the city and local businesses and the people who live here. COME DOWNTOWN AND CELEBRATE WITH THE CITY!!!! There are so many events happening downtown for this holiday. Some are FREE to attend. SHARE TAG INVITE YOUR FRIENDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA We will start posting about ALL of the parties. You can too. Let's make this a page were we have all the information at our fingertips about NYE downtown. Now that you are considering celebrating with us, here is some information you may find helpful. Check to help find parking spots. PARKING: THERE IS A BRAND NEW 800 car parking garage at Travis and Prairie. Please consider taking the MetroRail, Uber, Lyft, Taxi or using PARK & RIDE for the celebration. Please look for emergency no parking signs before parking. If you drive downtown, please use this website to locate a ATTIRE: This is New Year's Eve. Please dress accordingly. This is a chance to dress up and put on your best. Many locations will have a dress code. Some will not. Ladies the best part about Downtown is how close all the venues are to each other. Wearing heels downtown is much easier than other neighborhoods. This page is intended as an informational page. Registration not required to attend any individual event. Each event may have it's own requirements. By registering we will inform you of updates to any events downtown as we see them. We will also inform you of other events happening Downtown in the future. Thank you so much for reading all of this. We are excited to ring in the new year with you!! And to reflect on the old one. Since you read this we think you have a strong interest in attending. Please consider sending a personal invite to one friend who you think would also love this event. At the end of the day, the most fun events are about the people who attend them. Bring us your most fun friend. We will do the same. We will all ring in the new year together. ***Downtownfest Houston is our page. Please check it out to see who we are and what we do. If you want to be more active, join our group. Downtownfest Houston Community*** (At this time, this page is a placeholder. We will continue to post updates to it. We will not post anything we don't know to be true. PLEASE DON'T just assume whatever you want and then be mad that you made plans on your own assumptions. We will put in at least 100 hours of our own time collecting all the information we can find on this Holiday. Then we will put it into a FREE guide for you. If you don't like that or need information sooner, we invite you to do your own research. Heck share that with us and save us some time. We love you and we love Downtown Houston.) PS-Majority of these events will be 21 and up. Please notice that we did not select Kid Friendly. At this time we do not know if the city will have fireworks. They did in the past. Last few years they said no because of Super Bowl and Harvey. Fingers crossed that they bring it back. If they do we will post about it only when we know it to be true. VIRAL EVENTS: We don't know if y'all will make this event viral. IF you do, we will be limited by this website in our ability to edit the page. Updates and information will go to those who have registered. And eventually in the form of the Holiday Guide which will also be pinned to the top of our Facebook Event Page. Didn't see it in your news feed? We don't know why Facebook would or would not show you an event. Didn't feel like manually going back to the page to see the pinned post? We can't help you there. That's your deal. Think we should just tell you when we know? Yeah. We do too. Register and then we can email you.  PROMISE: What we are promising is to make a Holiday Guide that has all of the information that we can find and know to be true. It will be in a graphical layout as a high quality image file. You may print it if you wish. If you have bad eye sight you can zoom in or ask a friend to read it for you. If you don't know how to zoom in, we can't help. We don't know your phone/computer.  FREE? Again we are doing all of this work for free. We think we are being helpful. If you don't, help us or ignore us. Join the community group or block us if you really don't want to see it.  FALSE ADVERTISING? We don't advertise. We do a lot of work and share it for free to be helpful. If your friend, tells you this is something it's not, call your friend out. If you don't read, you won't know what we are saying so it's not false. If one of the venues changes what they tell us, sorry for inconvenice. Our intent was to be helpful.  COMPRENDE? Most of you get it. COME DOWNTOWN There are a lot of cool places doing good things. About 0.0001% don't get it. They won't read all this.  

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Anaheim Ducks vs. Montreal Canadiens

American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Honda Center is a cashless venue. A photo ID matching the name the tickets are placed under is required. VIP, Artist, Promoter, or other special will call requirements and locations are subject to change. Will call windows are located at the Box Office. Will call is generally available beginning 1-1/2 hours prior to the event, and closes after the start of the event (after the first intermission for Anaheim Ducks games). Late pick up will be available at the East Entrance after the box office closes. Box office phones are answered during regular box office hours. Please note, the box office does not sell tickets by phone. Call (714) 704-2500 for general information Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm. The box office will remain open through the beginning of weeknight events. On event Saturdays and event Sundays, the box office will open three (3) hours prior to the event and remain open through the beginning of the event. The box office is located on the east side of the building, near the East Entrance, facing the Santa Ana riverbed. Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Club, and Terrace levels. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please toggle the Accessibility icon in the seat map filters on the event page. The box office will have the same availability as Ticketmaster. Please note, semi-ambulatory or limited mobility seating is also available and requires the guest to navigate some steps. Wheelchair accessible seats have no steps. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 214. Requests for sign language interpreters must be received at least 14 business days prior to the event you are attending. To arrange for courtesy sign language interpreters, please either email or call 714-704-2400. For a full list of ADA policies, please visit

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Chicago White Sox vs. New York Yankees

American Express, MasterCard, Visa & Discover. Ticket Windows do not accept checks. NEW! Ticketmaster Will Call Kiosks are available for will call pick-up on the day of the game! There are 2 will call kiosks located at each of the following gates: Gate 3, Gate 4, & Gate 5. Simply bring the credit card used to purchase the tickets to the kiosk, swipe your card and wait for your tickets to print! No more waiting in long will call lines! Kiosks are currently available for day of game will call pick-up only; advance pick-up and ticket sales are NOT available at the kiosks currently. Ticketmaster Will Call (phone or internet orders) may be picked up at any open ticket window at Guaranteed Rate Field on the day of the game, or before the day of game at least 48 hours after the order was placed, during regular box office hours. (312) 674-1000 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Non Game Days: Monday through Friday- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday - CLOSED Game Days Night Games starting at 7:10 pm our box office is open from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm Night Games starting at 6:10 pm our box office is open from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm Day Games starting at 1:10 pm - our box office is open from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm 2008 Regular Season: Accessible seating is available in all price levels. In the lower level, accessible seating is in the back of the sections, and in the upper level, accessible seating is in the front of the sections. Ticketmaster sales of accessible seating is limited to four (4) tickets. If there is a larger request for accessible seating, please direct the order to Mary Weiss at the Guaranteed Rate Field Box Office at (312) 674-1000 ext. 5244, or Laura Arenas at (312) 674-1000 ext. 5246. Accessible elevators are located at Gate 4 entrance at the corner of 35th and Shields.

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Frozen (NY)

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express Available at Box Office during regular hours. Holiday Box Office Hours: Christmas Eve (12/24/19) - 10:00am-2:00pm Christmas Day (12/25/19) - CLOSED New Year's Eve (12/31/19) - CLOSED New Year's Day (1/1/20) - 12:00pm-7:00pm Box office hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR SALES IN PERSON ONLY. There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps within the theatre we are unable to provide assistance. Orchestra: Seating is accessible to the Orchestra without steps, but there are 1-2 steps up to access rows Q-T in the Center and Right Orchestra. Wheelchair seating is in the Orchestra only. Mezzanine: On the 2nd Level: up 29 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Mezzanine. Entrance is behind row F. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the mezzanine. Balcony: On the 3rd level: up 76 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Balcony. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the Balcony.

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Imagine Dragons: Mercury World Tour

CashVisaMasterCardAmeX Will Call is available DAY OF SHOW only with the credit card used to purchase the tickets plus photo identification and Ticketmaster confirmation number. Same Day Orders: Up to 3pm Day of Show through Ticketmaster phones, or may be purchased at any Ticketmaster outlet or Facility Box Office. Box office number - 856-365-1300 For the safety of our employees and guests, the box office will be closed until further notice. Please keep checking back here for updates as to when we re-open. We appreciate your understanding. Fully Accessible Telecommunications Device for the Deaf, TDD call, 856-365-1300 ext 24026

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, Visa, AMX, and MC accepted at box office. Location: Box Office Hours: 1 hour before event begins, closes 1 hour after start of event. Anaheim Ducks games: 1 1/2 hours before game begins, closes 1 hour after start of game (714) 704-2500 Mon-Fri: 10am-5pm, Saturday: 10am-4pm. On event Sundays box office opens 3 hours prior to the start of the event. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the business offices of the Anaheim Ducks and Honda Center will be temporarily closed effective Mar. 16. We will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation on a week-to-week basis and will re-open the offices when appropriate. Thank you for your understanding. The Ducks, Honda Center, Gulls and The Rinks staff wish good health to all as we navigate this health crisis. For any questions, please email Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Terrace and Club. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please contact the Honda Center box office at (714) 704-2500 or Ticketmaster by calling (800) 745-3000, by visiting a Ticketmaster Retail Outlet, or by requesting tickets online. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 215. Sign Language Interpreters can be provided by Honda Center. Request must be received at least 48 hours (business days) prior to the event you are attending. For details, please call (714) 704-2431 or (714) 704-2441.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Will Call opens 2 hours prior to performance. TSJ Ticketing: 408-792-4111 TSJ Ticketing -Monday-Friday 10am-5pm 408-792-4111 or in person at the City National Civic (including Broadway San Jose) 135 W. San Carlos 2 hours prior to show at CPA- Walk-up only Print your e-tickets, we are not able to scan off mobile phones at this time The Box Office at the CPA is only open on the day of a performance beginning 2 hour prior to show time. Tickets for Broadway San Jose can be purchased Monday- Friday; 10am-5pm at the City National Civic 135 W. San Carlos (Just ½ block away. There is a white curb out front for parking) Two accessible platforms in the orchestra on either side of row 27 can accommodate wheelchair patrons and their companion. Please call the box office at 408-792-411 (Monday-Friday; 10am-5pm) prior to event to check availability.

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