Visa, Mastercard, American Express, & Discover. PNC Arena is 100% cashless.
PNC Arena Ticket Office presented by 919.861.2323 PNC Arena and Carolina Hurricanes Business Office: 919.861.2300
PNC Arena Ticket Office hours: Tuesday through Thursday, 10AM to 4PM. Closed Friday through Monday, unless an event is taking place the Ticket Office will open at 12PM. On event days, the Ticket Office will be open through the start of the event. PNC Arena Ticket Office is located at the south end of the building, directly across from Carter Finley Stadium.
Wheelchair accessible seating and mobility impaired seating are available in all levels of the arena and at all price levels. Lower level seating is located along sides and ends, club level seating is located along ends, and upper level seating is located along sides, corners, and ends. Sight and hearing impaired seating is available in the lower level corners.
::: For English, please, scroll down ::::
Zimní Ghetto Zouk Dance a Kizomba soukromé lekce s Vitorem Tavares Mendesem - Kizomba Prague.
☆ ★ ☆ "Sen se nestane realitou díky kouzlu, ale diky potu, odhodlání a tvrdé práci." ☆ ★ ☆
Nejlepší a nejrychlejší způsob, jak se zlepšit v tanci nebo s tancem začít od začátku? Naše soukromé lekce nabízí studentům možnost si zlepšit svou techniku, získat nové taneční dovednosti či se pořádně připravit na nadcházející taneční akci či festival.
Ať už si rezervujete 60min soukromou lekci jednou nebo třikrát týdně, naučíte se tancovat pod vedením výborného instruktora ve svém vlastním tempu, kdy veškerá pozornost bude věnována vašemu pokroku a cílům.
Soukromé lekce jsou určeny pro ty, kteří upřednostňují individuální přístup. Jsou vhodné pro jednotlivce, pro páry, ale také pro menší skupinku kamarádů, kteří se chtějí tanec naučit společně, všech úrovní. Lekce si můžete domluvit od pondělí do neděle, záleží na vašich časových možnostech.
☆ KDY:
- 25. - 29.11.
- 2. - 3.12.
- 9. - 20.12.
- 2. - 9.1.
- 16 - 30.1.
1. Kentoya Fitness, Topolová 14, Praha 10
(bus zastávka Centrum Zahradní město)
2. Fitness & Health club Malešice, Praha 10
(bus zastávka Plaňanská)
- ceník i registrační formulář najdete na našem webu zde:
- do zprávy uveďte dny a časy, kdy chcete lekce mít, dále vaši úroveň a cíl, kterého chcete dosáhnout.
- zakoupit můžete i dárkový voucher v jakékoliv hodnotě
Winter Ghetto Zouk Dance & Kizomba private classes with Vitor Tavares Mendes - Kizomba Prague.
☆ ★ ☆ "A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." ☆ ★ ☆
Private dance classes are the most effective way to take your dancing to the next level, learn a new dance style or begin dancing for the first time.
Our private class offers the student the opportunity to focus on improving his or her overall technique, learn new skills, advance to a new class level, or prepare for an upcoming event or festival. Whether you book 60 min private class once a week or 3 times a week, you will be learning dance with your own private teacher, private studio space, and all the focus is on you and your progress towards your dance goals.
The private dance classes can be for 1 person, couple or small group at all levels.
- 25. - 29.11.
- 2. - 3.12.
- 9. - 20.12.
- 2. - 9.1.
- 16 - 30.1.
1. Kentoya Fitness, Topolová 14, Praha 10
(bus stop Centrum Zahradní město)
2. Fitness & Health club Malešice, Praha 10
(bus stop Plaňanská)
- registration form and price list is on:
Please, write days and times you are available and level and goal you want to reach into your message.
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Cash.
Collection is from The O2 main box office on the day of the event from 2 hours before event doors opening time (see ticket for details). Purchasing credit card and Ticketmaster booking reference number required for collection. Letters of authorisation are not accepted for collections or duplicate ticket collections.
Accessible Seating: The O2 operates a dedicated disabled access booking line. Contact: Tel: 020 8463 3359 Typetalk: 18001 020 8463 3359 Email: Contact to book accessible tickets for The O2 arena, indigO2, The O2 bubble exhibition centre or disabled parking for The O2 arena and for customer service after ticket purchase. Tickets may also be purchased in person at The O2 main box office or at The O2 bubble box office. Service Hours: The disabled access booking line is open 12.00pm - 7.00pm daily with extended hours till 9.00pm on arena event nights. Phone line opening times differ on priority and general on sale dates, see details for timings. For more information on access at The O2 please see
Cash and credit cards may be used at the box office.
Bring Photo ID, Credit Card, and Ticketmaster confirmation number. ONLY the credit card holder may pick up will call tickets. Should someone other than the card holder need to pick up tickets it must be set up in advance. Will Call should be picked up 2 hours before event time on day of show to avoid delays.
T-Mobile Ticket Office: 12:00pm 6:00pm Monday - Saturday, Closed Sunday. Day of Event 12:00pm until Start of Main Event.
T-Mobile Arena is accessible to all customers. Should you have special Vision or Hearing requirements place contact T-Mobile directly at 702-692-1616.
The box office accepts cash, Visa, and MasterCard and Discover.
Will Call is located on the north side of the stadium. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number, and photo ID.
Bengals office: (513) 621-TDTD (8383) Tickets to non-Bengals evnets are NOT available in advance at the Box Office. No special seating arrangements are available through the Box Office. Non-Bengals events tickets are available at Paul Brown Stadium only on the Day of the Show.
For the Bengals Box Office: Mon-Fri: 9:00am to 5:00pm Day of game: 3 hours prior to kickoff to halftime For all other Stadium events: Box Office hours for all non-Bengals events may vary on the day of the event
Accessible seating: for Bengals games refer to box office (513) 621-TDTD (8383). For Music/Jazz Festival refer to (513) 924-0900. For all other Paul Brown Stadium events refer to Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000.
Cash, Visa, AMX, MC and Discover. NO CHECKS!
WILL CALL LOCATION: SW Corner of Climate Pledge Arena on 1st & Thomas WILL CALL OPENS: 2 hours prior to event time DOORS OPEN: 1 hour prior to event time (Varies by Event)
Mon-Sat 10:00am - 5:00pm. Southwest corner of the Climate Pledge Arena Grounds at 1st & Thomas. Day of show: Opens 2 hours prior to event on the southwest corner of Climate Pledge Arena Grounds for will call and sales for that day's performance only!
Parking - The 1st Ave N Garage is located 1 block south of Climate Pledge Arena. It is fully accessible with easy access to Climate Pledge Arena. Street parking & pay lots are also available but not as conveniently located. Drop Off - All Main Entrance doors to Climate Pledge Arena are accessible. The West entrance is the most convenient for drop off. 1st Ave N directly runs in front of the facility. Drop off location for the East entry is about 1/2 block away from Climate Pledge Arena at 2nd and Thomas. Entry - For most events, the West, South and East doors are open for entry.
Course Description:
Lean IT Foundation helps IT organizations to ensure that they provide their customers with the Best possible services. Through understanding customer value, the Processes that deliver this value, the way to manage performance, the way to organize and the required attitude and behavior, IT organizations are helped to develop a continuous improvement mindset. Lean IT is complementary to all other Best Practice methods (such as ITIL®, PRINCE2® and P3O®).
This Course covers the Foundation level certification of the Lean IT Association. Further Lean IT qualifications are Lean IT Kaizen Lead, Lean IT Coach and Lean IT Leadership. The Lean IT Foundation is the entry level certification. This certification is mandatory for the other certifications.
The primary purpose of the Course is to provide a basis for accreditation of people involved with Lean IT Foundation. It documents the Learning outcomes of the Lean IT Foundation and describes the Requirements a candidate is expected to meet to demonstrate that these Learning outcomes have been achieved.
Course Topics:
Module1: Introduction
● Lean Principles: how these are related to one another.
● Waste: ability to identify types of waste within an IT organization or Process (TIMWOOD with Talent)
● The cost of poor quality and reasons for using Lean Principles to improve performance
● Types of activities: ability to define what IT activities fall into which category
● PDCA: ability to describe how the PDCA cycle works on the most basic level
● Relationship to other models and methods used within IT: understand where Lean IT differs from and complements other methods. The connection of Lean IT with IT service Management is specifically investigated.
Module2: The Customer
● Types of customer value and the factors that influence customer value
● The link between the Voice of the Customer and Critical to Quality
● How to construct a Critical to Quality tree
Module3: The Process
● Relationship of Process (Value stream) with the other Lean Principles
● The difference between Push and Pull systems
● The steps for creating a Value Stream Map, using SIPOC and Value Stream Map
● Waste in a Value Stream Map, ability to identify the symbols for the TIMWOOD waste
● Explain the SIPOC and VSM using IT examples e.g. SIPOC: Software development, VSM: High level Change Process (other examples are permitted)
Module4: Performance
● Relationship of performance with the PDCA cycle
● The key aspects of a KPI
● Why time is the most important production factor within IT
● The relationship of PCE with VSM
● The role of skills and knowledge in ensuring performance
Module5: Organization
● Why organizations need to be customer oriented
● What the goal is of a performance dialogue
● The use of each of the visual Management boards – day board, week board and Kaizen/improvement board
Module6: Kaizen
● Which tools from the other dimensions are used in which phase of the DMAIC cycle
● Prioritization of improvement candidates through feasibility and impact in determining both which problems to solve with a Kaizen and which solutions to implement at the Improve step of the Kaizen
Module7: Behavior & Attitude
● The difference between behavior and attitude
● The difference between traditional Management and Lean Management
● The behavior and attitude required for successful use of Lean
● Behavior and Attitude in relation to expectations surrounding a change in way of working
Learning Goals:
● The Principles underlying the Lean philosophy
● The importance of understanding and delivering customer value
● The way Lean looks at Processes and the waste within them
● How to measure performance and the key determinants of performance
● What the organizational Requirements are when implementing Lean, including the use of visual Management tools
● Which behaviour and attitude is necessary for Lean to be successful within an IT organization
● The DMAIC problem-solving model
● How these Lean Principles can be applied within an IT organization
Course Agenda:
Day 1
● Introduction of Lean
● The Customer
● The Process
● Performance
Day 2
● The Lean Organization
● Behavior and Attitude
● Problem Solving
● Wrap-up and Mock Exam
● Exam
Who can Attend?
Any manager or specialist working in an IT organization can benefit from the insights provided by the qualification. IT professionals who are participating in or involved with lean projects.