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Enjoy Free Coffee in Singapore | Savour free espresso, cappuccino, latte...

Where to get free coffee? Cafe hopping in Singapore is a prevalent and popular activity with thousands of establishments around the island offering unique cafe experiences. Cafe hopping can be expensive though, with a cup of coffee easily costing you between $4 to $6. Click here for Free Coffee if you don't want to read more!;)  Thankfully, we are here to show you where to get free coffee in Singapore, as part of the latest Gift of Coffees 2019 cafe hopping experiences. For the year of 2019, each week, you can look forward to receiving a set of vouchers, each voucher entitling you to a free cup of coffee at a specific participating outlet.  Sign up and we will send to you the tickets with the latest Cafes and F&B that are offering Free Coffee. There is no purchase required (though they are offering some very good and reasonably priced food for all participants of this program), simply show your vouchers to redeem the free coffee!  For more information about: Where to Free Coffee in Singapore     FAQs   Do I need to pay anything for this? No. The coffee is free, but it will be great if you can enjoy some of the food at the location that you redeem your coffee.  How come this is a one-year event? The sponsors and stakeholders for this (guys sponsoring the free coffee) agree to extend this campaign for the whole of 2019, so you will be enjoying a free coffee on a weekly basis.  How do I enjoy the Free Coffee on a Weekly basis? Check in to the e-vouchers platform, it will be re-set every week, with new locations added.  Check out: E-vouchers platform  So, how many free coffees can I redeem per week? You can redeem free coffee from all the outlets listed on the platform. But you can only redeem one coffee from one outlet.  You have to wait for next week to redeem free coffee at the same outlet.  For example:  There are 30 outlets listed on the platform offering free coffee. So, you can go to each outlet to redeem free coffee. But you can only redeem one coffee per outlet.  How do I know if I can still redeem free coffee at the outlet? The platform will automatically reset your free coffee the following week. Once you redeem a free coffee from an outlet, the system will not allow you to redeem until the next reset.  Are there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? There is no minimum age to redeem free coffee. But we do not encourage kids below the age of 16 to drink coffee though.  Can you share more about the free coffee voucher redemption process? The free coffee is being dispensed on the messenger platform. Once you are in, follow the chatflow, download the free coffee voucher, proceed to the outlet to redeem your free coffee.  Check out: How to redeem free coffee in Singapore?   Okay, how do I sign up for the Free Coffee? Simply register with your email and we will send you the info on where and how to redeem the free coffee.  Check out: E-vouchers platform   

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The Global Port Quality System (GPQS) – Achieving Accreditation for ports/terminals with a quality system of global standard.

Global Port Quality System (GPQS) Launch of the Global Port Quality System (GPQS) – Achieving Accreditation for ports/terminals with a quality system of global standard.   Dear industry colleagues Objectives In continuation to our commitment of improving global ports and furthering the interests of ports globally; we, at The Global Ports Forum, are pleased to announce the Launch of the Global Port Quality System (GPQS) – the hallmark of an accredited global port/terminal with a quality systems of global standard. Over past five decades, world maritime trade has grown quantitatively with increased degree of specialization. Ships have grown is size and a variety of ships have emerged which are purpose built for different categories of cargo. Fully cellular container ships, Dry Bulk carriers, Liquid bulk tankers, RO-RO, cruise, gas carriers……. Ports, terminals and marine infrastructure has been developed to cater to the needs of a variety of ships. The function and role of the ports has evolved from earlier concept of “gateways” to “crucial interface of land-sea in the logistic supply chain”. Changing role, emerging technological trends and value-migration / greater service expectation of the customers; necessitates the ports and terminals to adopt standardized systems. Most of the ports have opted to adopt standards and obtain ISO certifications for different aspects of their operations and services like ISO 9001:2015 (process oriented); ISO 14000 (Environment Management); ISO 18000 (Occupational Health and Safety Management). Integrated Management System (IMS) combining the three standards in to one system. GPQS is being  newly introduced by the Global Ports Forum to support the port management and operating personnel for effective implementation of their own operating procedures and adopted standards in their business activities.   What is GPQS Global Port Quality System (GPQS) is a system for Effective Management and Strategic Planning for a variety of Ports. GPQS is meant to provide focus and direction for the port management and operating personnel to align their business activities and port operations to the vision, mission, goals and strategies of the port. In addition, it is a tool to measure and monitor the port’s performance against defined key performance indicators (KPIs). While most of the Container Terminals throughout the world have highly standardized operations, systems, procedures and performance indicators and benchmarks; non containerized ports / terminals have a large variety of operations, handling systems, degree of mechanization and performance indicators. The variations in operations of such non-containerized ports and terminals necessitates adaptation of a system which facilitates defining operating parameters and monitoring performance and thereby providing direction for the management. Advantages of GPQS GPQS is a quality management system that improves the process and service quality in a port organization and thus leading to increased efficiency within the system. GPQS is an international benchmark of excellence that will be awarded by Global Ports Forum to participating ports, on satisfactory compliance of the laid down standards and procedures. GPQS award signifies “among best in the class” and “process compliant port”. GPQS leads to increased organizational efficiency with reduced Turn around time. GPQS certified port would enhance customer confidence as well as satisfaction of the stakeholders in terms of quality of standards, services being in alignment with objectives, goals, strategies, mission and vision of the port organization. Process of GPQS award  GPQS program is available for participation by all categories of ports and terminals including container terminals, dry / liquid bulk terminals. Any port / terminal with dry / liquid bulk/container operations can enrol for GPQS program. Leading international experts from Ports/terminal industry specializing in respective terminal operations will be nominated by Global Ports Forum to help the enrolled port to prepare/inspect standard operating procedures and manuals as per each ports objectives and operating environment. These experts will further conduct necessary inspections for the entire port operations in order to (i) measure level of compliance with the SOPs (ii) recommend corrective steps to improve level of compliance. On completion of operations and process inspection, once it is found that the level of compliance is over 90%, such ports will be issued GPQS award certification. This will be valid for a period of 3 years. Thereafter, the GPQS award will be required to be renewed. Process Design by GPF experts Process design and writing by GPF experts is done with complete involvement and ownership of the ports’ operational teams. Process evaluation is carried out in order to understand gaps and pitfalls affecting operations with key inputs from operations teams. Templates, Flow charts, work instructions and checklists are prepared to ensure process compliance and ease of adaptation.  Trainings and workshops are conducted for process socialization and harmonization with all the teams in the port organization. Periodic compliance reviews are conducted to help identify non-compliances, conduct Root Cause Analysis and corrective action reports are documented. For further details about the GPQS accreditation and certification, please contact Mr. Thomas Ng for a discussion.       Kind regards   Thomas NgChairmanThe Global Ports Forum GLOBAL PORTS FORUM PTE. LTD.10 Anson Road#27-15International PlazaSingapore 079903 Website: Mobile: +65 9684 3289DID: +65 6519 7662Fax: +65 6725 8438Email:

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Art Classes for Kids in Perth

Term Time Art Classes for Children Working with an artist, children will explore art techniques, principles, processes, artist’s work and traditional arts from around the world–developing their skill, creativity and knowledge. Emphasis is on self-expression and experimentation, with children learning through examples of work, exploration and ‘play’. We cover a range of media, including clay, drawing, painting, printmaking, collage and sculpture, with focus on process and the journey of learning, the result—high-quality artwork. All materials and equipment are provided and included in the cost. These sessions are education-based, but a lot of fun, designed for students who enjoy art and want to develop their skills. Children needing tuition and supervision for their own artwork are welcome to attend. Teacher/Artist A practising artist and arts educator for fifteen years in the UK, Sophie has led hundreds of art projects for children as well as running training sessions for teachers working with children. Her artwork has been exhibited in a range of art galleries, with one series of sculpture housed in a permanent collection at Wolverhampton Art Gallery. Through her workshops and classes, Sophie aims to inspire creativity, sparking imagination, curiosity and awe, while at the same time teaching practical art techniques, processes and knowledge. Sophie also works in the world of nonverbal communication, her second life-long passion. Occasionally she teaches combined nonverbal communication and art workshops. You can read more on our sister website My Alcomy. Bulk Booking Discount Bulk bookings for classes is available on our website at a discounted rate: $30 per session, when you book 8 sessions. $35 per session, when you book 6 sessions. $40 per session, when you book 4 sessions. $45 per single session. Terms and Conditions By enroling yourself or participants in a workshop/class/course, you agree to the following terms and conditions. 1. Participants are expected to behave and be nice to one another. Disruptive behaviours and bullying will not be tolerated. Design Cite reserves the right to terminate enrolment if unacceptable behaviour is not resolved. 2. Parents and carers are required to drop off and collect participants from the classroom or from the front door of the venue. 3. Parents and carers are required to arrive on time to collect participants. Please call/message Sophie 0477 182 555, if running late. 4. Parents or carers must be contactable during the session. 5. Participants must be able to take themselves to the toilet, which is located at the other end of the building, and use it without the need for assistance or must bring a parent/carer to take them/assist. 6. Participants are required to wear enclosed footwear during the session. 7. Participants are required to wear old clothes and footwear during the session as we use materials which do not wash out. Aprons do not adequately cover clothing. Design Cite holds no responsibility for materials getting on clothing and footwear. 8. Participants are required to bring a water bottle with a closable lid. 9. Food is not permitted in class. 10. Participants with additional needs are welcome to attend with a parent or carer. Some of our venues have access limitations, please contact us, before you enrol. 11. Parents and carers attending must not interfere with the artwork of the participant they are responsible for, no matter how tempting. We will provide separate materials for you to play, explain and demonstrate with, if required. 12. Participants are expected to clean up after themselves at the end of the session, leaving their space and equipment as they found it. 13. Design Cite must be notified if participants have any existing medical or behavioural conditions and allergies. In some cases, it may be necessary for parents or carers to attend the session. 14. In the event of an emergency or perceived emergency, costs incurred for calling an ambulance for a participant are to be payable by their parent or carer. 15. For workshops and classes for children under the age of five years, parents or carers are required to attend. 16. Participants artwork will be photographed for promotional purposes. On enrolment, we’ll give you the option of participants being included/excluded from photographs. 17. Design Cite will offer a refund or transfer if a course is cancelled due to insufficient numbers. 18. To keep the cost of our workshops affordable, work made in clay will not be fired, unless specified. Why I Run Art Classes for Children “Creatively talented children, often, don’t get the recognition they deserve or the support they need to develop their full potential. Yet, recognising and nurturing artistic talent can have a profound impact on improving skills, knowledge–and emotional wellbeing. In the fifteen years I’ve been working in the arts with children, what I’ve found, time and time again is creative talent often goes unnoticed or is disregarded. It’s not the fault of teachers or parents–children simply haven’t been observed in an environment where their true talents shine. I’ve realised many children who underachieve academically, thrive creatively–if given the right environment and opportunity. Oftentimes, the child hasn’t realised their talent either, simply because they haven’t experienced variety in art. I’ve seen underachieving children, and their teachers, light-up on discovering outstanding artistic talent. I’ve seen parents and teachers emotionally touched to see their children performing well at something–achieving a high standard. I’ve seen children find their ‘why’ and discover their motivation for the future...seeing these responses is my ‘why’! I’ve seen a lot of this because my aim was always to inspire creativity, sparking imagination, curiosity and awe, while teaching practical art techniques, processes and knowledge, that otherwise would remain out of reach. When we nurture creativity in children, we set the foundations for a positive future. We not only develop art skills but create opportunities for new ways of thinking, improving problem-solving skills. When we nurture creativity in children, we also encourage self-expression, providing opportunities for children to experience and express feelings and emotion. And to create art, which in turn, evokes emotion. We celebrate uniqueness and diversity and introduce new cultural experiences and traditions–learning through art. We create opportunities for children to be mindful and fully immersed in a flow state, through meaningful projects. We create their future!” — Sophie

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Laboratorio annuale Galassia 2019/2020 - Codemotion Kids! Roma

Laboratorio Galassia (14 - 18 anni) Il Laboratorio Galassia è l’esperienza annuale che Codemotion kids! ha pensato per ragazze e ragazzi dai 14 ai 18 anni. >> Leggi tutto sui Laboratori Annuali Nel corso di 24 incontri, ragazze e  ragazzi affronteranno concetti complessi di programmazione, familiarizzando con linguaggi testuali e con lo sviluppo di App per mobile. Avranno l’opportunità di integrare le diverse tecnologie di elettronica e robotica che incontreranno durante il loro percorso, al fine di realizzare prototipi e progetti in grado di offrire soluzioni a problemi reali e di interagire con gli esseri umani (Social Robotics). Si cimenteranno con l'Intelligenza Artificiale, realizzando progetti che utilizzano tecniche di Machine Learning.>> Scopri di più sul Laboratorio Galassia APPROCCIO PROJECT BASED Grazie ad un approccio project based, i ragazzi impareranno di lezione in lezione a trasformare un’idea in realtà realizzando in gruppo i loro personali progetti tecnologici e digitali, beneficiando così del valore della squadra. >> Leggi di più sul Metodo di Apprendimento Obiettivi Educativi introdurre ed approfondire l’uso ed i concetti delle strutture dati & database, sviluppare la capacità di raccogliere e rappresentare dati; sviluppare sistemi di coordinate 2D/3D, approfondire gli Algoritmi, sviluppare i concetti di Decomposizione & Debugging; familiarizzare con i concetto di Pattern; apprendere l’uso di  linguaggi testuali e orientati agli oggetti (Python, Processing); sviluppare la capacità di mettere in relazione le varie tecnologie; creare prototipi nel mondo IoT (Internet of Things); apprendere come sviluppare applicazioni mobile con AppInventor, e Java; familiarizzare con i sistemi di modellazione 3D, sviluppare abilità manuali in ambito circuiti e prototipazione CALENDARIO  Durata del laboratorio: 24 lezioni da 1h 45 minInizio lezioni: 10/11 Ottobre 2019Classi (a scelta tra): Giovedì (a partire dal 10 ottobre): 15:30 - 17:15 Venerdì (a partire dall'11 ottobre): 15:30 - 17:15 Prezzo del laboratorio Promozione speciale: per tutto il mese di luglio 800€ anzichè 890€! COSA COMPRENDE IL PREZZO DEL CORSO? - Tutti i materiali utili allo svolgimento del corso vengono forniti da Codemotion Kids! - E' previsto un pc per ogni partecipante - La classe si compone di max 10 partecipanti con 1 docente ogni 7 allievi - Tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un attestato di partecipazione alla fine del laboratorio -- INFO UTILI:- La classe partirà solo a raggiungimento del numero minimo di iscritti- Prima di procedere all'iscrizione, i genitori sono pregati di prendere visione delle condizioni di vendita e dell'informativa per il trattamento dei dati personali Per maggiori informazioni: All'iscrizione seguirà, entro 30 giorni, l'emissione di una ricevuta fiscale. Nel caso in cui si necessiti di fattura, specificarlo nel modulo d'ordine o inoltrare la richiesta a:

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Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash Tickets can be picked up at the Main Box Office no earlier than 5:00PM on the day of the event. Customers must have a picture ID and the confirmation number to receive their tickets. 662-470-2131 Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM-5:00 PM Extended Hours for events This is an accessible venue. *ADA Wheelchair and Companion seating is configured in both 1+2, 2+1, and 2+2 arrangements on the lower level.

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The Abyssinians

credit and debit cards (no AMEX) - There is no Box Office on site. Tickets booked over the phone directly with the venue can be collected from the venue on the day of the show from 7pm onwards, please just bring your confirmation e-mail along with you. Ticketmaster UK 0844 844 0444. Box Office No 020 7485 6834 for information and restaurant bookings. Calls will cost 7 ppm plus your network access charge. Monday to Thursday 10am to 6pm, Friday 12pm to 6pm, Saturday 10am to 6pm. Customers requesting Accessible Tickets can buy their tickets from Ticketmaster via and do not have to explain their disability.Wheelchair customers do not need to contact the venue in advance;an assistant will be admitted free on arrival.If you have a non-visible disability and need to bring an assistant please call 0207 688 8899.

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Maintenance Class - Alexandria, Sydney

As a Club 99 member, you're invited to come along to our store and attend a free basic maintenance class. Here's what we’ll cover: 1) Assessing your bike is safe to ride GOAL: to gain confidence independently resolving simple mechanical issuesKEY LEARNINGS: How to use quick releases. How to use a mini tool / allen key set. Basic competency with bolt tensions. Basic competency with a pedal spanner. Where to use grease. Knowing when to get help. 2) Cleaning your bike GOAL: to understand a process to follow to clean your bikeKEY LEARNINGS: What to use to clean your bike. Where to clean versus where to degrease. How to apply and remove chain lube. Which lubes for which conditions? 3) Changing a tyre and tube GOAL: to be able to change your tube if you get a flat while out ridingKEY LEARNINGS: What I need to change a tube? What size tube I need for my bike? Differences in valve types? How to find and resolve what caused the flat? What you need: 1 x pair of hands, and rolled up sleeves. Note: Please do not bring your bike along to this class. We have limited space to allow you to work on your own bike, however you will be able to get hands-on with some tasks as we go.

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Phoenix Suns vs. Philadelphia 76ers

The Footprint Center accepts the following methods of payment at the Box Office:VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CASH, PHX ARENA NO LONGER ACCEPTS CHECKS The WILL CALL windows open two hours prior to events and are located on the Northwest side of the building in the Pavilion. WILL CALL PICK-UP: The Footprint Center requires that customers picking up WILL CALL tickets furnish the following: 1) PICTURE IDENTIFICATION THAT MATCHES THE PICK-UP NAME 2) CONFIRMATION NUMBER THAT MATCHES THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ALTERNATE WILL CALL PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at (1-800-745-3000), ask for customer service to verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Northwest side of Footprint Center in the Pavilion.(602)379-7800 Suns Game Nights call (602)379-7867 The Footprint Center ticket office will be open at 3pm on weekday events and three (3) hours prior to event time for weekends. For any further questions or ticket inquiries, please reach out to or call the Footprint Center ticket office at (602) 379-7800. PHOENIX SUNS: To purchase Phoenix Suns tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7867 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARIZONA RATTLERS: To purchase Arizona Rattlers tickets for people with disabilities, Subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at PHOENIX MERCURY: To purchase Phoenix Mercury tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)252-9622 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARENA CONCERTS AND OTHER EVENTS: To purchase concert or other event tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at

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Life Skills Empowerment Program

Diverse workshops each session that includes:          Learning how to Think          Job Training          Financial Health          & Much More  With Completion of the Program, guests will qualify for a scholarship for a Spain/Turkey trip in August 2020 Learn more by visiting Donations will be used as funding for social engagement causes in the community.  

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