All valid debit and credit cards as well as the digital payment wallets Apple Pay and Google Pay
The box office is Open Event Days Only starting 3 hours prior to event time. Will call tickets may be picked at the Frost Bank Center Box Office. Policies for will call for each event may vary.
(210) 444-5870
Open Event Days Only. Open 3 hours prior to event time. All Frost Bank Center event tickets can also be purchased at or the Ticketmaster App.
Frost Bank Center is an accessible venue. Accessible seating tickets can be purchased online at or the Ticketmaster App. A limited number of accessible seating tickets can be purchased at the Frost Bank Center Box Office, Open Event Days Only, opens 3 hours prior to event time. Certified service animals for guests with disabilities are welcome at the Frost Bank Center and must remain on leash or in a harness. If interpretive services are needed, please contact a Fan Experience coordinator at 210-444-5140 a minimum of three weeks prior to the event so appropriate accommodations can be made. Interpreters are provided free of charge, but event tickets are required prior to scheduling.
HawkSoft users from across the nation are welcome to the 2020 HUG Conference!Presented by HUG
Sessions will include topics geared for new users as well as for seasoned veterans. Agenda to be posted in the Fall of 2019. Speakers will include both users/agents like you, as well as HawkSoft employees and management.
TO BECOME A HUG MEMBER, CLICK HERE (not required for conference attendance, just encouraged)
Special returning agency rate - $265 (attended in 2019)
Early bird rate - $325
General admission rate - $385
Sunday Night (April 19) - Welcome Reception
Monday (April 20) - All day meetings (lunch included)
Tuesday (April 21) - All day meetings (breakfast & lunch included)
What's the refund policy?
Attendees can receive refunds up to 2 weeks before the event start date.
Is there a hotel discount for the event?
There is a block of rooms reserved for our event at a discounted price prior to 03/02/2020 . After 03/02/2020, the pricing will increase and be based on availability.
HUG RATE at the Rosen Centre: $169 + taxes ($329 without HUG code)
Direct Booking Link, Click Here
Or, go to: and use “GRPHAWKSOFT” for the special group rate code
Or, call 1-800-204-7234 (ask for the booking ID 99887 or “HawkSoft User Group” group rate)
Will there be discounted tickets to amusement parks in Orlando?
Yes, but they will not be posted until about January 15, 2020 as pricing is not available until January 1st. But, you can tentatively count on approximately 20-30% discounts to Universal Studios, Disney World, and Sea World - MOST are for after 1pm passes (for being part of a "conference" in Orlando). In addition, if you "show your badge" at up to 50 restaurants near by, you can get 10-20% off dining bills - details on which restaurants is forthcoming.
Is it recommended I bring more than one employee?
A separate registration is required for each representative attending. Several sessions will be running simultaneously so having more than one member of your team in attendance will be beneficial.
What meals are included in the registration fee?
2 receptions, 2 lunches, and 1 breakfast will be included with your registration fee.
What is the dress code?
Business casual.
When will the agenda be ready?
The planning committee will be meeting in August/September, so the agenda will be ready by November 30, 2019.
Will there be a mobile app again this year?
Yes, the mobile app for the conference will launch on or around March 1st - about 6 weeks before the conference. At that time, you can register for which breakout sessions you want to attend.
What if I have a vendor I think should exhibit this year?
If you have any vendor/exhibitor leads, please direct them to Amelia Jach at
Who can I contact with questions?
If you have any questions, please direct them to Amelia Jach at
As a parent, there is nothing more important than giving your child the best start in life!
The Dubai Schools & Childcare Show is your chance to find out more about Dubai’s most outstanding schools, nurseries, afterschool clubs and international schools.
It gives you the opportunity to make an informed choice, and give your child the best possible education!
Schools & Childcare show is the leading annual one-stop-shop education event that has participants from all over Dubai, and other reputable international entities that will be there to present their education systems, curriculum, facilities, and costs.
Attending the Schools & Childcare Show will not only give you the chance to meet with parents and potential students, but it will also help you engage with them through the various event activities which include keynote sessions, seminars, play areas and stage entertainment acts.
To look for a schools or education provider that best suit the needs of your children.
To interact face to face with representatives from some of the finest institutes.
To seek on spot admissions guidance and counselling
To find out information about after school programs.
To search and sign up your children for an after-school club or activities group.
To meet and listen to keynote educational leaders.
To understand more about current and relevant education related topics in UAE.
To find out about educational banking and savings schemes to plan your child’s future.
To seek further information regarding education insurance plans in UAE.
To learn more about study abroad opportunities.
To obtain details about UAE school tours or summer camp programs abroad
Join us at the Dubai World Trade Centre on the 6th – 8th of February 2020 from 10:00 am until 18:00 pm.
Special offers and Discounts will be provided Exclusively to Visitors Only.
For more information please visit:
Visit our Website
Follow on Twitter
Like us on Facebook
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash, Check (7 business days prior to event, call box office to verify check policy.)
Pick up tickets at box office. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order.
General Information:(207) 775-3458
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday hours vary depending on events
Accessible Seating is available at the box office and thru Ticketmaster.
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Thema colleges
Overall gaat het goed in Brabant, maar niet overal. We kunnen enerzijds bouwen op een sterke economie met veel innovatiekracht, anderzijds zijn er zorgen om zaken als een groeiende inkomensongelijkheid, de stagnerende groei van groene energie, het dalen van de biodiversiteit, en de groep Brabanders die in een minder veerkrachtige situatie leeft. De uitdaging in Brabant is dan ook om de economische kracht in te zetten om maatschappelijke vraagstukken op te lossen. De beweging van de Betekeniseconomie laat zien dat het kán: een economie waarbij het creëren van maatschappelijke waarde en gewetensvol handelen centraal staat. Onderdeel van deze beweging zijn financieel rendabele ondernemingen met oplossingen op het snijvlak van publieke en private taken.
Een onderzoek naar de Brabantse Betekeniseconomie gepubliceerd in januari 2018 gaf drie aanbevelingen om de groei van deze beweging te stimuleren:
1. waardeer meervoudige waarde,
2. vergroot toegang tot groei(kapitaal),
3. werk aan ontkokering van overheden
Op basis van deze drie aanbevelingen organiseert de Provincie Noord-Brabant in samenwerking met Avans Hogeschool en THRIVE Institute een zesdelige serie Purpose Avondcolleges. Bij deze colleges belichten betekenisvolle ondernemers en andere betrokken partijen hun verschillende rollen en perspectieven in de groei van de betekeniseconomie. De reeks is zo opgezet dat theorie en praktijk met elkaar verbonden worden: een theoretische inleiding wordt gevolgd door een concreet voorbeeld.
Data, Locatie, Onderwerpen, Sprekers
Maandag 13 mei, locatie Den Bosch: Perspectief Onderwijs: Kaj Morel (Avans Hogeschool) en Mariëlle Swinkels (Someren TEA)
Maandag 24 juni, locatie Breda: Perspectief Investeerders: Bartel Geleijnse (Colour Kitchen) en Eric Buckens (ABN AMRO)
Maandag 16 september, locatie Den Bosch: Perspectief Overheid: Caroline Hummels (Tu/e) en Astrid Kaag (Brabant Outcomes Fund)
Dinsdag 8 oktober, locatie Breda: perspectief doelgroep: Peter Scholten (Value Factory) en Lucian Heumen (Slowcare)
Maandag 25 november, locatie Den Bosch: perspectief internationale partners: Ralph Thurm (Reporting3.0) en Guido van Staveren (Moyee)
Maandag 16 december, locatie Breda: conclusie Betekeniseconomie: Kees Klomp (THRIVE Institute) en Jaap Korteweg (De Vegetarische Slager)
Tarief Deelname
Het tarief per persoon per college is € 50,- (exclusief btw, inclusief koffie/thee en een kleine maaltijd bij ontvangst). Schrijft u zich in voor de gehele zesdelige serie avondcolleges, dan betaalt u eenmalig € 250,- en ontvangt u 1 college gratis!
Ben je student? Dan mag je de colleges bijwonen voor slechts € 2,-. Neem deze graag contant mee naar de colleges; meld je aan via, dus wees er bijtijds bij!
Waar vinden de colleges plaats?
De colleges vinden afwisselend plaats op Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch en Avans Hogeschool Breda. Alle colleges in Avans Den Bosch vinden plaats in lokaal OC006.
Het eerste college in Breda van 15 april zal worden georganiseerd in lokaal HA418
De exacte ruimte in Breda voor de resterende colleges wordt uiterlijk 1 week alvorens het college aan u doorgegeven.
Het Programma
17:30 – 18:00 Inloop
18:00 – 18:50 Theoretische Inleiding
18:50 – 19:10 Pauze
19:10 – 20:00 Concreet Voorbeeld
A Tech Dating event not to missed by employers looking to hire tech talents in the region!
We know that hiring the right tech talents is becoming harder every day. By lack of time or resource, hiring has never as difficult. This is why Tchoozz has selected some of the best tech talents in the region (software engineers, UI/UX designers, software architects, system engineers...) so you can meet with your future next hire! We make you save time in your candidate screening process, so you have more time actually meeting them. rencontres.
From 15 to 20 face to face interactions with a fresh format: Tech Dating interviews of 5 minutes each. It's that simple!
They attend our events:
You'll have the opportunity to quickly present your company during an Elevator Pitch (1 min) at the beginning of the event. It is the perfect moment to stand out from the competition!
We provide you with a media kit (photos & video) following the event, so you can share it with your community. Because you don't only live experiences, you share them.
A rapidly growing company looking to expand its tech team
An employer looking for experienced tech talents (invite-only for candidates)
A company looking for innovative services in order to increase its brand awareness.
A startup/scaleup looking for new team members
HOSTED & SPONSORED BY: To be announced
Tchoozz, make your choice!