Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, money order, check (no checks accepted within 10 business days of an event)
Located at dedicated Will Call windows at venue box office. Tickets available for purchase beginning 2 hours prior to event. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER.
919-861-2300 Event Line 919-861-2323 Box Office
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm Sat 12pm-4pm Sun closed unless event is taking place, details below. Summer hours: Monday through Friday 12pm-5pm Will open at 10am if an onsale is scheduled. Closed Saturday and Sunday normally Only open on a Saturday or Sunday if an event or on sale is scheduled. Saturday morning on-sale schedule will be 10am - 1pm. On event days the box office will be open through the start of the event. On event Sundays it will be open 12pm through the start of the event. Box office is located at south end of building directly across from Carter Finley Stadium
Wheelchair accessible seating and mobility impaired seating are available in all levels of the arena and at all price levels. Lower level seating is located along sides and ends, club level seating is located along ends, and upper level seating is located along sides, corners, and ends. Sight and hearing impaired seating is available in the lower level corners.
Are you an independent artisan of fashion or art, looking to sell your beautiful works at an established outdoor and/or an innovative indoor venue in DC this year? We are the dedicated curators of many successful, high-end venues, including the acclaimed The Dupont Market Fair and The Georgetown Market Square; the latter was written up as “one of the top East Coast outdoor markets.” We host the best fashion & artistry in all forms: our artisans include impressionists to abstract artists, sculptors, table makers and photographers, as well as antiques and collectors, personal stylists, bath, cosmetics and beauty care to home decor and garden curators. Our fashion designers, who come to us from all over the east coast, vary from the established to the up-and-coming, as well as timeliness collections. The energy at our indoor markets and outdoor markets, which include galas, exhibits, runways for fashion shows and our modular walls-on-wheels studios, is electric. Artistry is always in motion and amplified by live music or DJs. Head to to APPLY. Venues open shortly - will you be there?
Annasach Ceilidh Band invites you to our informal celebration of The Bard's birthday in the hidden gem of Edinburgh’s Old Town, The Counting House; a venue where Robert Burns himself was once entertained by poet Thomas Blacklock!
The ceilidh will start at 8pm with a break for a buffet supper served around 9.30pm of haggis (vegetarian option available), neeps & tatties, and a complimentary dram of The Famous Grouse to wash it all down. Then it's back to the dancing!
Our dance caller Tricia will be there as usual to explain the dances so all beginners welcome :) She might even sing a Burns song or two!
Tickets can be purchased here or at the door - although booking in advance is highly recommended as previous years have SOLD OUT; and are priced at £23 and £18 conc. You will receive an e-ticket which should be brought with you on the evening.
Please note that an official photographer may be in attendance at this event. By purchasing a ticket you agree to any image being used by Annasach for future publicity.
Thema colleges
Overall gaat het goed in Brabant, maar niet overal. We kunnen enerzijds bouwen op een sterke economie met veel innovatiekracht, anderzijds zijn er zorgen om zaken als een groeiende inkomensongelijkheid, de stagnerende groei van groene energie, het dalen van de biodiversiteit, en de groep Brabanders die in een minder veerkrachtige situatie leeft. De uitdaging in Brabant is dan ook om de economische kracht in te zetten om maatschappelijke vraagstukken op te lossen. De beweging van de Betekeniseconomie laat zien dat het kán: een economie waarbij het creëren van maatschappelijke waarde en gewetensvol handelen centraal staat. Onderdeel van deze beweging zijn financieel rendabele ondernemingen met oplossingen op het snijvlak van publieke en private taken.
Een onderzoek naar de Brabantse Betekeniseconomie gepubliceerd in januari 2018 gaf drie aanbevelingen om de groei van deze beweging te stimuleren:
1. waardeer meervoudige waarde,
2. vergroot toegang tot groei(kapitaal),
3. werk aan ontkokering van overheden
Op basis van deze drie aanbevelingen organiseert de Provincie Noord-Brabant in samenwerking met Avans Hogeschool en THRIVE Institute een zesdelige serie Purpose Avondcolleges. Bij deze colleges belichten betekenisvolle ondernemers en andere betrokken partijen hun verschillende rollen en perspectieven in de groei van de betekeniseconomie. De reeks is zo opgezet dat theorie en praktijk met elkaar verbonden worden: een theoretische inleiding wordt gevolgd door een concreet voorbeeld.
Data, Locatie, Onderwerpen, Sprekers
Maandag 13 mei, locatie Den Bosch: Perspectief Onderwijs: Kaj Morel (Avans Hogeschool) en Mariëlle Swinkels (Someren TEA)
Maandag 24 juni, locatie Breda: Perspectief Investeerders: Bartel Geleijnse (Colour Kitchen) en Eric Buckens (ABN AMRO)
Maandag 16 september, locatie Den Bosch: Perspectief Overheid: Caroline Hummels (Tu/e) en Astrid Kaag (Brabant Outcomes Fund)
Dinsdag 8 oktober, locatie Breda: perspectief doelgroep: Peter Scholten (Value Factory) en Lucian Heumen (Slowcare)
Maandag 25 november, locatie Den Bosch: perspectief internationale partners: Ralph Thurm (Reporting3.0) en Guido van Staveren (Moyee)
Maandag 16 december, locatie Breda: conclusie Betekeniseconomie: Kees Klomp (THRIVE Institute) en Jaap Korteweg (De Vegetarische Slager)
Tarief Deelname
Het tarief per persoon per college is € 50,- (exclusief btw, inclusief koffie/thee en een kleine maaltijd bij ontvangst). Schrijft u zich in voor de gehele zesdelige serie avondcolleges, dan betaalt u eenmalig € 250,- en ontvangt u 1 college gratis!
Ben je student? Dan mag je de colleges bijwonen voor slechts € 2,-. Neem deze graag contant mee naar de colleges; meld je aan via, dus wees er bijtijds bij!
Waar vinden de colleges plaats?
De colleges vinden afwisselend plaats op Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch en Avans Hogeschool Breda. Alle colleges in Avans Den Bosch vinden plaats in lokaal OC006.
Het eerste college in Breda van 15 april zal worden georganiseerd in lokaal HA418
De exacte ruimte in Breda voor de resterende colleges wordt uiterlijk 1 week alvorens het college aan u doorgegeven.
Het Programma
17:30 – 18:00 Inloop
18:00 – 18:50 Theoretische Inleiding
18:50 – 19:10 Pauze
19:10 – 20:00 Concreet Voorbeeld
MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Travellers Cheques, Personal Checks, and Cash are accepted.
Will Call tickets are available beginning 2 hours prior to showtime. Customers will needs their Confirmation Number, the credit card the order was placed under and Photo Identification.
For information on events call 313-471-3211.
The Box Office is open Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM. On event days, 10:00 AM until ½ hour before scheduled event end. Summer Hours: Open event days only, closed Memorial Day through Labor Day.
To request accessible seating, please call (313) 471- 7929.
Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID.
(212) 586-6510
Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
This 3-day course is held in CZECH and covers the software testing fundamentals, providing you with the necessary foundations for a software testing career. It is also useful for other IT professionals who wish to gain a knowledge of the terminology and processes of software testing.
This three-day course follows the ISTQB® Foundation Level syllabus (which can be downloaded free of charge from the ISTQB® website). Exam is not included in the price, it takes place several days after the course and we will be happy to assist you.
Contents of course:
1st day
- Fundamentals of testing (Why Testing is necessary?; What is testing?; Seven Testing Principles; Fundamental Test Process; The Psychology of Testing; Code of Ethics)
- Testing throughout the software lifecycle (Software Development Models; Test Levels; Test Types; Maintenance Testing) • Static Techniques part I. (Static Techniques and the Test Process; Review Process; Static Analysis by Tools)
2nd day
- Static Techniques part II. (Static Analysis by Tools)
- Test design techniques (The test development process; Categories of Test Design Techniques; Specification-based Techniques; Structure-based Techniques; Experience-based Techniques; Choosing Test Techniques) • Test Management part I. (Test Organization)
3rd day
- Test Management part II. (Test Planning and Estimation, Test Progress Monitoring and Control, Configuration Management, Risk and Testing, Incident Management)
- Tool support for testing (Types of Test Tools, Effective use of Tools:potential Benefits and Risks, Introducing a Tool into an Organization)
- Reviews
All courses start at 9:00 and finish at 18:00, except for the last day which will finish at around 16:00. There will be a 1-hour lunch break, and short breaks for refreshment at regular intervals.
Course Description:
The Big Data foundation course provides you with an understanding of Big Data, potential data sources that can be used for solving real business problems, and an overview of data mining and the tools used in it.
This is a fundamental course with practical exercises designed to provide you with hands-on experience in using two of the most popular technologies in Big Data processing – Hadoop and MongoDB. You will get the opportunity to practice installing these two technologies through lab exercises. The exercises expose you to real-life Big Data technologies with the purpose of obtaining results from real datasets from Twitter.
After completing the course, you will be equipped not only with fundamental Big Data knowledge, but will also be introduced to a working development environment containing Hadoop and MongoDB, installed by yourself. This practical knowledge can be used as a starting point in the organizational Big Data journey.
Course Topics:
Module 1 : Course Introduction
● Course Learning Objectives
● Course Agenda
● Activities
● Exam
● Course Book
● Cloud Credential Council®(CCC)
● Certification Value
Module 2 : Big Data Fundamentals
● Big Data – History, Overview, and Characteristics
● Big Data Technologies – Overview
● Big Data Success Stories
● Big Data – Privacy and Ethics
● Big Data Projects
Module 3 : Big Data Sources
● Enterprise Data Sources
● Social Media Data Sources
● Public Data Sources
Module 4 : Data Mining – Concepts and Tools
● Data Mining – Introduction
● Data Mining – Tools
Module 5 : Big Data Technologies – Hadoop
● Hadoop Fundamentals
● Install and Configure
● MapReduce
● Data Processing with Hadoop
Module 6 : Big Data Technologies – MongoDB
● MongoDB Fundamentals
● Install and Configure
● Document Databases
● Data Modelling with Document Databases
Module 7 : Exam Preparation Guide
● Qualification Learning Objectives
● Learning Level of the Syllabus
● Certification
● Exam Instructions
● Tips for Exam Taking
● Mock Exam
Learning Goals:
● Big Data fundamentals
● Big Data technologies
● Big Data governance
● Available sources of Big Data
● Data Mining, its concepts and some of the tools used for Data Mining
● Hadoop, including its concepts, how to install and configure it, the concepts behind MapReduce, and how Hadoop can be used in real life scenarios
● MongoDB, including its concepts, how to install and configure it, the concepts behind document databases and how MongoDB can be used in real life scenarios
Course Agenda:
Day 1
● Course Introduction
● Big Data Fundamentals
● Big Data Sources
● Data Mining – Concepts and Tools
Day 2
● Big Data Technologies – Hadoop
● Big Data Technologies – MongoDB
● Exam Preparation Guide
Who can Attend?
This course is best suited to Information Technology professionals who possess intermediate to advanced programming, system administration, or relational database skills and are looking to move into the area of Big Data. These include:
● Software Engineers
● Application Developers
● IT Architects
● System administrators
The course can also be of benefit to other professionals, such as business analytics and research analytics, who possess strong Information Technology skills and have a deep interest in Big Data analytics and the benefits it can bring to an organization.
This 3-day course is held in CZECH and covers the software testing fundamentals, providing you with the necessary foundations for a software testing career. It is also useful for other IT professionals who wish to gain a knowledge of the terminology and processes of software testing.
This three-day course follows the ISTQB® Foundation Level syllabus (which can be downloaded free of charge from the ISTQB® website). Exam is not included in the price, it takes place several days after the course and we will be happy to assist you.
Contents of course:
1st day
- Fundamentals of testing (Why Testing is necessary?; What is testing?; Seven Testing Principles; Fundamental Test Process; The Psychology of Testing; Code of Ethics)
- Testing throughout the software lifecycle (Software Development Models; Test Levels; Test Types; Maintenance Testing) • Static Techniques part I. (Static Techniques and the Test Process; Review Process; Static Analysis by Tools)
2nd day
- Static Techniques part II. (Static Analysis by Tools)
- Test design techniques (The test development process; Categories of Test Design Techniques; Specification-based Techniques; Structure-based Techniques; Experience-based Techniques; Choosing Test Techniques) • Test Management part I. (Test Organization)
3rd day
- Test Management part II. (Test Planning and Estimation, Test Progress Monitoring and Control, Configuration Management, Risk and Testing, Incident Management)
- Tool support for testing (Types of Test Tools, Effective use of Tools:potential Benefits and Risks, Introducing a Tool into an Organization)
- Reviews
All courses start at 9:00 and finish at 18:00, except for the last day which will finish at around 16:00. There will be a 1-hour lunch break, and short breaks for refreshment at regular intervals.