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Atlanta Hawks vs. Los Angeles Lakers
Accepts: cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express Located at main box office on Centennial Olympic Park Drive. Available for pickup beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to event. Closing time will vary by event. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. 404-878-3000 - State Farm Arena Box Office 1-866-715-1500 - Atlanta Hawks The Box Office is open on event days and for the first day of all on-sales. (Hours will vary based upon the events and time of on-sales). Accessible seating is available in throughout the arena in various price categories. Seating for the sight/hearing impaired available in the lower level. All accessible seating is subject to availability. All levels of the Arena are accessible by elevator and escalator.
read moreICWPT 2020: 14. International Conference on Written Pole Technology
The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers. ICWPT 2020: 14. International Conference on Written Pole Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Written Pole Technology. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Written Pole Technology
New Year's Eve Party 2020 at The W Chicago
New Year’s Eve 2020 Party at the W Chicago - City Center Chicago's Best New Year's Eve Party All Inclusive Event: Food, Drinks, Entertainment, & More For more information, visit: Ring in the New Year 2020 with Chicago's Best New Year's Eve Parties at The W Chicago - City Center W Chicago - City Center172 W Adams St,Chicago, IL 60603 Discounted Hotel Rate Only $169/night* ~ Best Deal in the City! Other Nights: Only $99/night on non-peak nights (Dec 24 – Jan 5) CLICK HERE TO RESERVE ROOMS ONLINE Amenities Meal Package Includes: 4.5 HOUR TOP SHELF COCKTAIL RECEPTION All Inclusive Drinks, Food, Entertainment, Amenities, & Service:***Over 30 Staffed Bartenders & Servers For Your Needs ~ No Long Drink Lines ******Bars open from 9pm – 1:30am, event until 2am******Unlimited cocktails, beer, wine, liquor during above bar time frame******You are NOT paying for drinks at the event*** Specialized Drinks Included: Martinis Domestics & Imports Wine Champagne All Night ~ Live The Good Life BUFFET, HORS D’OEUVRES, AND DELICACIESA Pasta Buffet, Variety of Hors d’oeuvres, and delicious food from Chicago’s Top ChefChocolates & Desserts Celebrity DJsState of the Art Intelligent Lighting & Sound SystemElegant Chic in BallroomLive Video Mixing & Confetti StormMultiple Ballrooms of EntertainmentBeautiful DecorationsParty Favors & NoisemakersCoat Check Available (minimum charge) VIP Ticket ~ Behind the Velvet Rope Get all of the items above, plus 5.5 HOUR SUPER TOP SHELF COCKTAIL RECEPTION Access To Exclusive VIP Dedicated Bars with Private Bartenders All NightVIP Registration Line & First Access to Open Tables & SeatingEarly Access To Event & Bars Starting at 8pm (1 hour before GA ticket holders)Access to All Bartenders Before GA Ticket Holders Step Foot Into EventUpgraded Beverage Brands Premium Vodka, Gin, and RumPremium Scotch, Bourbons, and WhiskeysPremium Martinis, Imports, and Wine SelectionsPremium Bubbly Exclusive Giveaways: Win A Night Stay at the W Chicago City Center! Win A Drybar Goodie Bag & Service! Exclusive Table Service Giveaway at Pre NYE Party More To Be Announced *Limited Amount of Tickets Available to this Event On Top Of It All, Ticket Includes: Monday, December 30th, 2019Complimentary Pre-NYE Party @ TBD // Click Here To RSVP Win a VIP Reserved Booth For Your Group!Bottle Service Purchase is OptionEnter on Contest FormWinner announced December 27th, 2019. A Reserved Area On Us! Are you celebrating Your B-Day, Bachelorette Party, Bachelor Party, Graduation, or any other special occasion? Let us know and we’ll set you up VIP style on us! Just send us an e-mail with your name and how many guests there are in your party and we’ll take care of the rest. Limited amount available. E-mail us at w/ subject “Pre-NYE Celebration” to sign up. Complimentary Post NYE Party @ TBDWristband for the most exclusive venue in Chicago included with your ticket. 3 Parties / 3 Venues / All Inclusive in 1 NYE Ticket Note: To reserve a table for bottle service at the pre-nye party, please e-mail Ticketing Technical Issues:Any ticketing / technical issues will be handled by Call Eventbrite customer support
read moreDisney On Ice presents Dream Big
Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Customers can pick up their tickets on the day of the show at the Will Call Window. Customers must have actual credit card, a picture ID, and their confirmation number. (304)345-7469 Monday - Friday: 10AM - 5PM Saturday - Sunday: Hours vary depending on events and onsales.
read moreHobby and Elo Rating Chess and Rubiks Cube TRAining and Competition ONline and at our centres Fee: 100 Half hour 1st prize 300 Learn 100 Chess tricks & 50 shapes of rubiks cube including 3x3 cube, beginners cubes & advanced cubes
Hobby and Elo Rating Chess and Rubiks Cube TRAining and Competition ONline and at our centres Fee: 100 Half hour 1st prize 300 Learn 100 Chess tricks and 50 shapes of rubiks cube including 3x3 cube and beginners cubes and advanced cubes
read moreGhetto Zouk Dance & Kizomba private classes in Prague
::: For English, please, scroll down ::::Ghetto Zouk Dance a Kizomba soukromé lekce s Vitorem Tavares Mendesem - Kizomba Prague.☆ ★ ☆ "Sen se nestane realitou díky kouzlu, ale diky potu, odhodlání a tvrdé práci." ☆ ★ ☆Nejlepší a nejrychlejší způsob, jak se zlepšit v tanci nebo s tancem začít od začátku? Naše soukromé lekce nabízí studentům možnost si zlepšit svou techniku, získat nové taneční dovednosti či se pořádně připravit na nadcházející taneční akci či festival.Ať už si rezervujete 60min soukromou lekci jednou nebo třikrát týdně, naučíte se tancovat pod vedením výborného instruktora ve svém vlastním tempu, kdy veškerá pozornost bude věnována vašemu pokroku a cílům.Soukromé lekce jsou určeny pro ty, kteří upřednostňují individuální přístup. Jsou vhodné pro jednotlivce, pro páry, ale také pro menší skupinku kamarádů, kteří se chtějí tanec naučit společně, všech úrovní. Lekce si můžete domluvit od pondělí do neděle, záleží na vašich časových možnostech.☆ KDY:- každý všední den mezi 8:30 - 21h a ve vybraných víkendech☆ TANEČNÍ STUDIO:1. Kentoya Fitness, Topolová 14, Praha 10(bus zastávka Centrum Zahradní město)2. Sector, Tussarova 31, Praha 7(tram zastávka Dělnická)3. Fitness & Health club Malešice, Praha 10(bus zastávka Plaňanská)★ CENA a REGISTRACE:- ceník i registrační formulář najdete na našem webu do poznámky uveďte dny a časy, kdy chcete lekce mít, dále vaši úroveň a cíl, kterého chcete dosáhnout. ☆ KONTAKT:Email: Zouk Dance & Kizomba private classes with Vitor Tavares Mendes - Kizomba Prague.☆ ★ ☆ "A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." ☆ ★ ☆ Private dance classes are the most effective way to take your dancing to the next level, learn a new dance style or begin dancing for the first time.Our private class offers the student the opportunity to focus on improving his or her overall technique, learn new skills, advance to a new class level, or prepare for an upcoming event or festival. Whether you book 60 min private class once a week or 3 times a week, you will be learning dance with your own private teacher, private studio space, and all the focus is on you and your progress towards your dance goals.The private dance classes can be for 1 person, couple or small group at all levels.☆ WHEN:- we dance every weekday between 8:30 am and 9 pm and weekends upon request☆ DANCE STUDIOS:1. Kentoya Fitness, Topolová 14, Praha 10(bus stop Centrum Zahradní město)2. Sector, Tussarova 31, Praha 7(tram stop Dělnická)3. Fitness & Health club Malešice, Praha 10(bus stop Plaňanská)★ PRICE and REGISTRATION- registration form and price list is on, write the days and times you are available and level and goal you want to reach into a note. ☆ CONTACT:Email:
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