Evil Expo
Evil Expo is the greatest place in the world for those who love worlds of imaginative villainy! If you read, write, watch, play, or otherwise enjoy creating and experiencing incredible villains--or, of course, if you're a fiendishly disguised supervillain yourself--you're invited to be part of a wonderful weekend! Learn how to hold the world for ransom, how to write compelling scoundrels, the myths and lore which give us the basis for modern-day antagonists, and take part in dozens of workshops, panels, and performances. Play villainous tabletop games! Dance at our dance parties, bring the kids to the kids events, meet authors and creators, enter our cosplay and costume contests, and meet new and amazing people! Visit our many exhibitors for an awesome array of wares from all manner of creators and curators of wondrous things! We're multi-genre, spanning pretty much any imaginative world - from Scift to Goth to Fandom to Steampunk to Fantasy and Scifi! Basically, if you love villains, you'll love Evil Expo! This event is all-ages--there's lot of stuff for adults, lots of stuff for kids. There are adventures awaitng and heroes to thwart - let's go!
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