5 Day Kick Start Ultrasound Workshop
Introduction to Abdominal Ultrasound 5 DAY Physics ,Upper Abdomen Course Description The course will cover an introduction into the Physics of Ultrasound, Basic colour Doppler, Artifacts, Knobology and instrumentation Upper Abdominal anatomy and pathology. The emphasis is on developing an understanding of the normal and abnormal pathological sonographic patterns and appearances, image documentation, measurements to facilitate the reading and understanding ultrasound images, to assist diagnosis. Curriculum: Physics and Instrumentation, Artifacts and Basic colour Doppler Knobology, Probe orientation and manipulation techniques lecture and demonstration Ultrasound Terminology ,Descriptors lecture and how to interpret an ultrasound . Lecture demonstrating ultrasound appearances of common pathologies related to the relevant anatomy Anatomy of the Upper Abdomen including Aorta, Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, CBD, Portal Vein, Kidneys and Spleen lecture Ultrasound Anatomy of the Upper Abdomen including Aorta and relevant vascular anatomy, Pancreas, Liver, Gallbladder, CBD, Portal Vein, Kidneys and Spleen lecture and demonstration. Explanation of scan techniques and image acquisition Scanning and Image Protocols Image documentation and measurements Lecture demonstrating ultrasound appearances of common pathologies related to the relevant anatomy Lecture demonstrating ultrasound appearances of common pathologies related to the relevant anatomy Objectives: Upon completion of the course participants should :- Have an understanding of Basic Ultrasound Physics ,colour Doppler and artifacts associated with Ultrasound Have a better understanding ultrasonically of the gross anatomical structures and surface anatomy of the relevant organ systems of the upper abdomen and the anatomical relationship to surrounding organs and relevant vascular anatomy in order to read an ultrasound image Have an understanding of the protocols required to perform an ultrasound of the upper abdomen. Have an understanding of the limitations and pitfalls of ultrasound of the upper abdomen
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