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The box office accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards. Tickets are available via telephone at 1-866-7-BOK-CTR Hours are 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Evening, weekend and holiday hours vary according to event schedules. BOK Center strives to create a great experience for all guests. BOK Center under guidance and direction from the Americans with Disabilities Act has fully accessible restrooms, drinking fountains, counters and more to assist guests with disabilities. Accessible tickets/seating and wheelchair accessible seats are available in all price levels. One companion ticket may be purchased with each wheelchair accessible ticket. Please indicate when purchasing tickets if you require accessible seating. Tickets can be purchased at BOK Center box office during box office hours or through Patrons with disabilities may be dropped off on West 3rd Street between Denver Avenue and Frisco Avenue by the south entrance to BOK Center and the Box Office. Some events at BOK Center may have the City of Tulsa Police Department directing traffic to and from BOK Center. When an event calls for this, Disabled Guests may be directed to 1st and Denver by a Tulsa Police Officer. Sign Interpreters: BOK Center can provide sign language interpretation for guests that need assistance. Requests for this service must be received three weeks prior to the event. Seating will be reserved for the patron and one companion using this service in Section 120. For details, please email us at or call BOK Center at 918-894-4200. Wheelchair Assistance: BOK Center offers wheelchair service for guests who may need assistance to and from their seats. Guest Services attendants will be on site to assist. Wheelchair assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the limited number of wheelchairs available, they may not be borrowed or rented as seating during an event. If wheelchair assistance is necessary during an event, please notify the nearest staff member.

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Orlando Magic v Detroit Pistons

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express To pick up tickets, a valid government-issued photo identification is required. Hours: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and three (3) hours prior to any event. Location: On Church Street (north side of venue). Venue information : 407.440.7900 Groups Sales: Amway Center events: 407.440.7900 Orlando Magic games: 407.896.2442, select "2". Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Summer and holiday hours may apply. Wheelchair accessible and companion seats are available at locations dispersed throughout Amway Center, offering guests the choice of an array of prices, amenities and lines of sight. Seating locations vary depending on particular events. It is important to indicate when buying tickets if you require wheelchair accessible seating. Service animals are animals individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Guests with disabilities are welcome to bring their service animals inside the Amway Center. Service animals may not use additional seats unless a ticket has been purchased for the adjacent seat, but may request accessible seating. Elevators : The Amway Center has fourteen (14) accessible public elavators available for all guests. Parking : Convenient accessible parking is located in the GEICO Garage, which is adjacent to the Amway Center and accessible via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3). Additional accessible parking is located in lot 9. There are also accessible parking spaces in surface lots and garages in the area surrounding the Amway Center. Visit for more information. Entrance : The Amway Center's main entrance is at the middle block of Church Street between Hughey Avenue and Division Avenue. Accessible entry is also available via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3).

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NYC #1 House Music Night - Saturday Night Boat Party - Manhattan Yacht Cruise

Come hang out on the best House Music boat in New York City! ABOUT THE VENUE: 3 LEVELS OF MUSIC (Pop Music, Hip Hop, Latin Music, Oldies Hits & Dance Music) Huge INDOOR Dance floors 4 Bars with Cocktails, Beer & Wine Breathtaking Manhattan Views - Take a picture with a Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and the Freedom Tower and the Ultimate Skyline Food Available for Purchase Best Prices in New York City Great for birthday / bachelorette / bachelor / anniversary / party reservation Contact us for dinner/party reservations (Balloons & Cakes permitted - bring your own utensils - no knifes allowed; no other outside food allowed). VIP Ticket includes 1 FREE Drink + Express Line VIP Bottle Service / Sections - Available for Sale. Call/text Allan (646) 263-4593 and/or email: for the Bottle Services Flyer / Packages FREE Street Parking Available around the Pier (it is relatively easy to find parking) Event Information: Boarding: 9:00 PM Departure: 10:30 PM Return: 2:00 AM Rain or Shine 21 & over with proper ID Dress Code Policy: *TRENDY* (Dress to Impress!) - Gentlemen: Shoes, black sneakers, button down shirts, polo shirts and jeans are acceptable. - Ladies: Casual & Classy - No baggy attire!! Have a Celebration coming up? We make it possible for you to host your company/corporate, art, fashion, music showcases, birthday parties & private dinners at a number of unique event spaces & a fleet of 6 yachts. Booking your event with Crust Nation will get you more bang for your buck! Let us show you how New York parties! For more information & to reach out to us visit Want to get personal? call/text/email @ahmadvanallan (646) 263-4593 SAILOR (General Admission) - $30.00 PIRATE (Skip The Line + Free Drink) - $50.00 FIRST MATE (VIP Area Access+Skip Line+Free Drink) - $700.00 CAPTAIN (Ultimate Backstage Experience) - $145.00

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來自四面八方的壓力如亂槍射鳥,令你難以招架,不知如何自處?親子的關係、與伴侶的感情、與家人的關係、與同事的關係像是天秤的砝碼,需要我們時常微調以免失衡,正在找尋平衡的你是否因為找不到出口而憂愁, 來試試藝術戲劇療癒吧! 戲劇療癒是將「戲劇」與「療癒」的技巧,運用在身心成長戲劇療癒是從戲劇的創意過程中,透過演譯個人議題,經驗到對問題理解的改變,逐步轉化自己的身心狀態,變得更健康更平衡。 奧地利精神科醫師雅各布‧莫雷諾說,藝術讓我們有一個很安全的形式,透過適合自己的媒介,把內在狂野和被壓抑的,卻對心理健康有幫助的內容,挖掘整理出來,甚至表現成充滿美感的形式,展現創造力。 「水面上水面下劇場」藝術總監張嘉容從戲劇凝練療癒的魔法棒 化身心動的能量擅長結合戲劇與身心靈治療領域多年的張嘉容藝術總監, 為知名編劇導演及中國國家二級心理諮詢師。深知各種修復身心與轉化痛苦的的劇場式療癒釋放過程,將創造力的表演藝術訓練融入「自我提升」「伴侶關係」「原生家庭」「人際關係」等深層身心靈課程中。2019接近尾聲,「水面劇場」(簡稱) 將在年末為正在找尋出口的朋友開設「原生家庭 X 伴侶關係」、「遇見最好的自己」及專為人際關係疏離者開設的「翻轉跳躍不受限」三個主題式的戲劇療癒工作坊。 在張嘉容老師的帶領下,學員可以在音樂中即興舞動、在地板上翻滾當一根法國麵包、與團員肢體協調互動、戲劇角色扮演等劇場方法,釋放自己與他人親密互動,達到感官的統合,從視覺、觸覺、聽覺、本體覺、平衡覺等各方面的感官開發,將內在世界外化到現實世界和意識層面,達到揚升、治療與覺察的果效。 X O X O 9/30前報名享有早早鳥優惠,敬請把握! X O X O ▌活動一:遇見最好的自己  如何遇見最好的自己?怎樣才是最好的自己? 我該怎麼做呢? 有那些事要學習? 我能夠克服自己的缺點嗎? 有哪些資源可以幫助我? 我該如何打開舊思維,創造能幫助我的習慣? 如何正向思考和開創資源?使用戲劇療癒、表演藝術創作方法,帶領團體參與者探索自我,表達與包容情緒,修改及開闊自我形象,在這堂課程中,遇見最好的自己,重新開創生命新的可能。☞ 活動|遇見最好的自己 ☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/14 (六) 、12/22(日)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/15 (六) ~ 2/16 (日)   定價| ▌活動二:原生家庭 X 伴侶關係 探索「目前伴侶關係的困擾」 與 「雙方原生家庭成長經驗」,在原生家庭中你扮演什麼樣的角色?在伴侶關係中你又扮演什麼樣的角色?你自認為自己有哪些優缺點?你對理想伴侶關係的想像?你想帶什麼東西到理想伴侶關係,讓你和你伴侶都過得快樂和幸福?藉由戲劇治療,以演戲的方式使參與成員們,系統化地探索目前伴侶關係的困擾與雙方原生家庭成長經驗,促成經驗分享及心路歷程的壓抑釋放,覺察自我及伴侶關係的改變。☞ 活動|原生家庭 X 伴侶關係☞ 日期|一日 2019/11/03 (日) 定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/08 (六) ~ 2/09 (日) 定價| ▌活動三:翻轉跳躍不受限 為了生存、工作,每個人都必須擁有在職場生存、與人合作的人際互動技巧。有些人雖然社交技巧不好,卻還是能夠擁有穩定令人稱羨的工作;有些人卻樹敵眾多,不斷轉換跑道,甚至找不到工作。還有些人,擁有良好的人際關係,總是能夠優雅應對各種職場上的棘手人際情境。 人際關係互動是否令你感到困擾及充滿挑戰,總迷失在社交潛規則中找不著方向嗎? 本課程針對社交互動技巧不熟練,自覺人際互動困難的朋友參與,一起在歡笑和戲劇練習中增加情緒和壓力管理技巧,培養人際互動技巧和心理韌性,突破種種限制,更有自信克服挑戰。讓不一樣的人,都能活出最好的人生。 ☞ 活動|翻轉跳躍不受限 - 針對社交互動困難者☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/15 (日) 、 12/21 (六)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/22 (六) ~ 2/23 (日)   定價|▌報名連結:

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A.I. as a Catalyst Within Digital Marathon in Finance Sector

Accelerate Digital transformation, Increased Data Value, Lowering Costs and Achieving Better Operational Efficiencies For most companies, the journey towards digital transformation passes through a few major stages of digitalisation before they get to intelligent solutions phase. As with any race, some contenders take the lead, while others struggle to hit the stride after leaving the starting blocks. Financial services are contending with multiple challenges tied to regulations, security, geopolitical risks, compliance, legacy systems, disruptive models and technologies, and new competitors. Digital technology has been changing the landscape of Financial services over the years. The way financial institutions operate and how they deliver services to their customers have been influenced by financial technology. Hence, these institutions need to start adapting to these changes or risk becoming irrelevant. With that being said, how can we jump-start or adapt our technology game plan to hit our stride faster, smoother and efficiently? Design for Security & Compliance The Finance Service industry attracts some of the most hostile information security threats and is one of the most regulated industries in the world. Therefore, the top priority should always be the protection of customers’ data, establishing a trusted infrastructure and managed according to best security practices, as well as a variety of compliance standards. At the heart of secured and trusted infrastructure, data needs to be authentic, available, transparent and easily accessible to the customers. Building a trust by giving an ownership of data to the customer is the key. Every organisations implement security differently and it is critical to gain compliance while enhancing security management at every stage of organisation’s digital transformation journeys. Design for Data Analytics and A.I. We all wish we could understand our customers more comprehensively and accurately. This is where Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) comes to the rescue. Rather than taking a siloed approach and having to reinvent the wheel, the financial services industry must expand the use of A.I. across organisations that encompass every business process and function. Through automation, IT departments and compliance team can efficiently support numerous audit demands imposed on organisations within highly regulated Finance industry. Yet, the definition of A.I. is often mislead by some. A.I. is not just about automation but it is also about insights that come from analysing data. In banking, data has been historically gathered and is often accumulated in an unstructured way. Customer information can be spread across multiple accounts and many siloes. This is seen as a vulnerability in the face of cyber threats and implementing intelligent automation solutions. Therefore, the classification of data is highly critical for acute and dynamic adjust of financial products and services. It not only breaks the data silos but also makes the business to get the most of data and thereby, gain insights from customer behavior and to give more personalised customer experience. Don’t you wish to know how to best manage the portfolio of technology assets to deliver positive impact to your business? OpenGov is pleased to bring a unique, one of its kind, breakfast insight session aimed at imparting knowledge on some of the advanced technical capabilities that leverages security, compliance and A.I. to support financial institutions on their journey of innovation to serve customers better. This exclusive Breakfast Insight will discuss: Key issues surrounding data that may hinder FSI Sector How analytics will take your FSI business towards a data-driven business Opportunities to leverage A.I. to understand customer behaviour better Approaches to create A.I. strategy that increases customer trust and maximises business advantages How to monetise data and transform it into one of your key business assets in a secured manner

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express Customers can pick up Will Call tickets one (1) hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo I.D. The Will Call window is located on the Montgomery Street and Madison Street corner of the arena. 315-435-2121 The Solvay Bank Box Office at The Oncenter for War Memorial Events has two locations for walk up sales. o 515 Montgomery Street will open 1 hour prior to the schedule start time. o 760 S. State Street or South State Street will open at 10am and remain open through posted start time. To purchase tickets or for more information, you can call 315-435-2121. The Solvay Bank Box Office at The Oncenter is open Monday thru Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.( closed Saturdays in the summer) The Oncenter Box Office is closed on Sunday. During weekend events, the box office will open one (1) hour prior to the start of the show. Fans may purchase ADA seating via or at the venue box office. 315-435-2121 315-435-2121 Venue Box Office Hours Monday-Friday 10am-3pm Saturday 10am-2pm Sunday Closed *Summer hours vary

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