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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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MBE/DBE/ACDBE Application Assistance Workshop

APPLICATION ASSISTANCE WORKSHOP MDOT’s Office of Small and Minority Business Policy conducts a free monthly workshop for firms interested in applying for certification as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), and/or Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE). Learn the benefits of certification, the application process, eligibility standards, as well as business development and marketing tips.  You will also have the opportunity to meet with a certification officer one-on-one to ask questions that relate specifically to your business.   Each ticket is valid for one admission, each individual attending must register independently. For additional information visit our website at  For questions, email or call (410)865-1269. **Once this event is sold out, tickets and registration will no longer be available** **Security Policy: All visitors must present a valid Driver's License or U.S. Passport in order to gain access to the building.

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Hamilton (Chicago)

The Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. No personal checks, please. Will Call tickets can be picked up at any time during Box Office hours on the day of a show. The customer must present the actual credit card used to make the order, a valid picture ID, and the confirmation number. The Administrative offices of the James M. Nederlander Theatre may be reached at (312) 977-1700. There is no public phone number available for the Box Office. The box office cannot take phone orders. To order tickets by phone, please call 800-775-2000. For groups of 20 or more, call (312) 977-1710. Box office hours vary. Please call (312) 977-1700 for the current week's hours. For wheelchair accessible seating please call the box office at 312-977-1700 ext. 1259

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Buffalo Bills v Indianapolis Colts - Preseason Game 1

Cash - Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Discover The Will Call Booth at Highmark Stadium is located in between gates 3 and 4. Guests may pick up their pre-paid tickets on game day. This location is open 4 hours prior to kickoff. PROPER PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED. Tickets will only be released to the person who purchased the tickets. 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257) Box Office Hours Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm, Saturdays before home games Open 4 hours prior to kick off on game days through the end of the 3rd Quarter Off Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday For Buffalo Bills Tickets Only. Available at the Box Office and through Ticketmaster. Phone #: 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257)

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Big Open Day Gennaio 2020

Per scoprire BigRock non c’è di meglio che entrarci dentro completamente. Spesso apriamo le porte della scuola, in un pomeriggio dedicato a raccontare cosa abbiamo fatto, cosa hanno fatto i nostri ragazzi, cosa stiamo per fare e cosa immaginiamo per le prossime generazioni di sognatori. Faremo vedere cosa viene prodotto durante le lezioni, come sono fatte le lezioni, cosa si fa durante il giorno e qualche volta anche durante la notte.Spiegheremo come è fatta la vita di un BigRocker per i mesi che passerà qui con noi,ma spiegheremo anche che il tempo a BigRock ha un andamento strano: scorre molto più velocemente del tempo nel mondo reale. Scopriremo tutti i segreti della scuola, mostreremo ogni millimetro di ogni stanza, corridoio o scala. Vogliamo essere sicuri che ci scegliate perchè è esattamente cosi che immaginate il posto che cambierà la vostra vita per sempre. PROGRAMMA: ORE 15:30 PRESENTAZIONE DELLA SCUOLA (Talk, Q&A – Durata 90′ circa)            (Fino ad esaurimento posti… controlla se ci sono ancora posti disponibili!) A SEGUITO VISITE DELLA SCUOLA (Visita guidata delle classi, Q&A con i docenti. – Durata 30′ circa) È necessario prenotare un posto per ogni partecipante. (Per motivi di sicurezza la scuola non verrà aperta ai visitatori prima delle ore 15:15. Se doveste arrivare in anticipo, vi preghiamo cortesemente di attendere nella waiting room.) N.B. Purtroppo non tutti possono socializzare con i vostri amici a quattro zampe, vi informiamo dunque che non è consentito loro l'accesso all'interno della scuola (indipendentemente dalla loro taglia). Si raccomanda la puntualità. N.B. Purtroppo non tutti possono socializzare con i vostri amici a quattro zampe, vi informiamo dunque che non è consentito loro l'accesso all'interno della scuola (indipendentemente dalla loro taglia). **AGGIORNAMENTO** Dalla fermata dell'autobus, procedere sulla Via Per Meolo, aggirando la tenuta agricola ed entrando da Via Burano, come indicato dalla mappa. In caso di necessità, negli orari non coperti dal servizio pubblico, è a disposizione un servizio taxi convenzionato, previa prenotazione telefonica al numero 392 9555672 da effettuarsi con almeno un giorno di anticipo. - Da/per Stazione dei Treni di Quarto D'Altino euro 20,00 a tratta - Da/per Aeroporto Venezia (Tessera) euro 30,00 a tratta - Da /per Stazione dei Treni Venezia Mestre euro 35,00 a tratta - Da/per Aeroporto Treviso euro 35,00 a tratta

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ICCPTP 2020: 14. International Conference on Contemporary Political Theory and Politics

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICCPTP 2020: 14. International Conference on Contemporary Political Theory and Politics aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Contemporary Political Theory and Politics. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Contemporary Political Theory and Politics

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Minnesota Vikings vs. Chicago Bears

VISA, Mastercard, Discover Card and American Express. U.S. Bank Stadium is a cashless venue. The will-call windows are located at the U.S. Bank Stadium Ticket Office, on the Northwest corner adjacent to the Polaris Gate. Will-Call will be available for pick-up beginning one hour prior to the event being attended, unless otherwise noted. Tickets are released only to the person whose name appears on the Ticketmaster transaction. Proper photo identification is required. A signature from the person authorized to pick up the tickets will be obtained at the time of pick up. 612-777-8787 U.S. Bank Stadium 612-33-VIKES Minnesota Vikings Tickets can be purchased online only. Accessible seating is available throughout all seating levels of U.S. Bank Stadium. For accessible seating accommodations, please contact Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000. A specifically dedicated ADA Pick-Up/Drop-Off zone is available during events. The designated ADA Pick-Up/ Drop-Off zone is located on 10th Avenue South, between 6th Street South and 7th Street South. Game Day Team Members will be available when you arrive for any additional assistance.

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